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Fiesta Mayor – Festa Major – Fiesta Major 2015

By Visited 8118 times , 1 Visits today

Start Date: August 23, 2015
End Date: August 25, 2015
Time: 2:00 pm to 2:00 am


Location: Sitges, Barcelona, Spain

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Past/Future Festa Major
(fiesta major,festa mayor)

Yearly week+ festival

Fiesta Major Fireworks  Sunday, August 23, 2015

“Festa Major de Sitges”. Sitges’ main Annual Fiesta in Honour of “Sant Bartomeu”,

The Town’s Patron Saint. There is an amazing fireworks display on the 23rd, centered around Sitges Church. Watched by many along the beach and also on the water, via a troupe of boats.

A wide range of events and festivals celebrating the Catalan Culture. With:

– Impressive human castles/pyramids (castellers ) Often 6 people high wit a small child at the top

– Giants, capgrossos (carnival figures with big papier-mâché heads)

in the center and all over Sitges town (shopping area/square).

Along with fire-breathing beasts and ancient dances like the diables (devils), bastons (stick dance), gitanes (gypsies), cercolets or moixiganga, among others.

With numerous processions around the town’s streets, a spectacular fireworks display, solemn mass, processions, open-air dancing and sardanes (traditional Catalan dance).



    • 6.30pm : 18.30hrs– Inauguration– La Festa dels Infants : Kids EventFesta Major artworks displayed at Retiro’s Cafe de l’Art, C/ Àngel Vidal 17 by P5 Sitges
    • 7.30pm : 19.30hrs – Proclamation of Festa Major by Jordi Cubillos at Palau del Rei Moro, Carrer d’en Bosch
    • 10.30pm : 22.30hrs – Proclamation by Miguel Marzal i Ortiz at Plaza de la Ajuntamient beginning Festa Major
    • AfterwardsSant Sebastian beach concert by Soma Club & Txarango


    • 6pm : 18.00hrs – Exhibition of the image of Sant Bartomeu at Museu Romantic, C/ Sant Gaudenci
    • 7pm : 19.00hrs – Children’s theatre show ”Colossal” by Teatre Mobil at San Sebastian beach.
    • 10.30pm : 22.30hrs – Festa Sonora with DJ’s. Funk, rock, electro, new wave, techno and house music at Passeig de la Ribera
    • 11pm : 23.00hrs – Presentation of the altarpiece of Sant Bartomeu, dramatising the martyrdom of the apostle by Gent de Teatre de Sitges at Sant Bartomeu i Santa Tecla Church, Pl. de l’Ajuntament, 20 (proceeds to upkeep of church)


  • 11am to 6 pm : 11:00hrs to 18hrs (closed 2pm to 6pm) – Exhibition of the image of Sant Bartomeu. Place: Museu Romantic.
  • 1pm : 13.00hrs – Folk music group Filibusters at Ateneu Popular de Sitges, C/ Sant Bartomeu 40.
  • 6.30pm : 18.30hrs – Dressing up the Gegants Moros (giant figures) at Palau del Rei Moro, C/ Bosch
  • 6.30pm : 18.30hrs – Dressing up the Gegants (giant figures) of La Vila and Gegants Americanos at Escorxador, C/ Joan Maragall 36
  • 8pm : 20.00h – Colla Jove de Castellers de Sitges (Human tower performers) at Palau del Rei Moro, C/ Bosch
  • 8pm : 20.00hrs – Raffle by Amics de la Festa at Cap de la Vila
  • 9pm : 21.00hrs – Concert at San Sebastian beach by Beatrix’ Drum and Bugle Corps
  • 10.30pm : 22.30hrs – Parade & music at Sant Bartomeu i Santa Tecla church (Delivery Festa Major flag “La Bandera”, poem reading, singing and watermelon between family & friends after the Festa Major fire parades). Via:Baluard Plaça de l’Ajuntament C/ MajorCap de la VilaC/ JesúsC/ Sant BartomeuC/ Sant GaudenciC/ Illa de CubaAvinguda d’Artur Carbonell.
  • 11.30pm : 23.30hrs – Havaneres concert at Passeig de la Ribera (traditional Cuba sailor songs by Els Cremat)– Cremat (spiced and burned warm rum) will be served afterwards


  • 11am : 11hrs onwards – Exhibition of the image of Sant Bartomeu at Museu Romantic, C/ Sant Gaudenci
  • midday : 12.00hrs – Parade of traditional Catalan horn players (Grallers ) along Sant Francesc, Cap de la Vila, Major & Plaça de l’Ajuntament
  • 2pm : 14.00hrs – 21 mortars fired from opporsite La Fragata Church & bell ringing
  • 2pm : 14.00hrs – Sardana songs by Cobla Maricel group at Cap de la Vila
  • 2pm : 14.00hrs – Main Festa Major Parade via Placa de l’Ajuntament and through the village.Traditional giant figures (Gegants), dancers, drum and horn players and big parade dragons which shoot fireworks and sparks into the willing crowd (hat and clothing with sleeves and tight neck/scarf recommended). At their own risk!
  • 5.30pm : 17.30hrs – Human tower performances by Colla Jove de Castellers de Sitges at Cap de la Vila
  • 7pm : 19.00hrs – “La Bandera” / “flag” Civic Procession with musicians (Musical Group Suburband of Retiro) & folk dancers. Tabernacle with image of St. Bartomeu is taken from Museu Romantic to the sanctuary in Sant Bartomeu i Santa Tecla church, via:Artur CarbonellSant BartomeuSant GaudenciSant FrancesSant BonaventuraSant JosepParellades Cap de la Vila Major



  • 11pm : 23.00hrs – Enormous fireworks centering on the church (which is lit by various firework effects), in the sky and water along Sitges promanade. Good positions mean arriving early, to settle on the fingers/piers extending from the beach, though most places have a view. Artwork by Virella and fireworks by Sitges Pariella Isidro. In collaboration with Bacardi.A good close spot near the oceanside & church (Passeig de la Ribera), to see the fireworks on the water, however a place further down the beach gives a view of the fireworks above the promanade in the sk


  • 6am : o6:oohrs (we think!) – Popular dances and musicians paraded through the streets of the town with pink flowers.Route: Baluard, Fonollar, Baluard Vidal i Quadras Port de n’Alegre, Rafael Llapart, Sant Da-tntà, Sant Sebasttà. Jesús. Sant Bar tomeu, Son t Goudencl, Sant Josep,Espoitcr, placa d’Espanya, carrer d’Espanya, Joan Tarrida, plaça de la Indústria, Marquès de Montrotg, Parellades, Cap de la Vila, Major I Ajuntament.
  • 10.30am :
  • 10:3ohrs – Parish Church Sant Bartomeu & Santa TeciaMusic Group Suburband Retiro, dances and musicians, performance of dances and interludes, the Banda perform the harvest. The national anthem of Catalonia.
  • 6.30pm :
  • 18:3ohrs – Afternoon Concert: In the gardens of the Casino Prado
  • 8.30pm : 20:30hrs – Procession in honor of St. Bartholomew in the streets of the town squares and Passeig de la Ribera (Sitges Promanade), Dancers, pipers and Musical Group of Su-burband Redro. Giants, fireworks and the bells ring out. Closing prayer.BIG DANCE FESTIVAL with the orchestras of La banda dragon owlLa Banda Del Drac i Buhos


  • 11am : 11:00hrs – I’Hospital de Sanr Joan Baprista, commemorating building of the hospital
  • 10pm : 22:00hrs – Frigate, concerts with the orchestra Blanes
  • Afterwards – Various DJs.


  • 7.30pm : 19:30hrs (other Council site says
  • 6.30pm : 18:30hrs)– Human Towers Plaça de l’AjuntamentFesta Major Human Tower Performance Groups: Minyons de Terrassa, Castellers de les Roquetes & Colla Jove de Castellers de Sitges Pl. de l’ Ajuntament
  • 18:30h7.30pm : 19:30hrs (other Council site says 6.30pm : 18:30hrs)– I’hort de can Falç, dancing for the older person (Musical duo)Ball for the Elderly Duet Josep & Kim Hort de Can Falç 18:30h11.30pm : 23:30hrs (other Council site says
  • 10.15pm : 22:15h)– Platja de San Sebastià : closing eventClosing open-air Sardana dances Performed by Cobla Sitgetana With a colorful fireworks display and cake and wine tasting Sant Sebastiàn beach 22:15h We have tried to manually re-type and translate the events by hand, however please refer to the program below and not depend on our information. We are not aware of a digital version for the blind.



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