
************************ EVENTS ARE CANCELLED **********************

Sitges Carnival Carnaval 2020

By Visited 3603 times , 1 Visits today

Start Date: February 18, 2020
End Date: February 26, 2020
Time: 7:30 am to 12:00 am


Location: Sitges Promanade, Barcelona, Spain

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2020 Sitges Carnival Schedule Times

Sunday, February 23

12: 00hrs Midday – Sitges Carnival children’s procession
Route: Avinguda Sofia, Passeig de la Ribera (sea side) up to the El Greco statue. Return via Passeig de la Ribera (mountain side), c / Bassa Rodona, Plaça del Pou Vedre, c / Espalter, c / Sant Francesc and Cap de la Vila.

19:30hrs 7.30pm – SUNDAY PARADE – Sitges Carnival DEBAUCHERY Procession
Route: Departure from the end of l’Avinguda Sofia, Passeig de la Ribera (sea side), La Fragata, Passeig de la Ribera (mountain side), Bassa Rodona, Plaça del Pou Vedre, Espalter, Sant Francesc and Cap de la Vila .

Monday February 24th

    • The Carnival King & Queen visit homes around Sitges
    • Then, along with the Children’s Carnival Queen, onto:

11:00hrs to 14:00hrs 11am to 2pm –
“Quitxalla” Party

    • Children’s party with activities, performances, workshops and hot chocolate for all children & familie
  • Cap de la Vila ‘Old Folks band
  • La Fragata Stage (under the main Church) Music/Dancing for the whole family. At
  • Plaza de la Fragata Kigs Zone: Bouncy castle, huge games, face-painting, photocalls and animation.
    At 12:00hrs hot chocolate for all attendees.

17:30hrs 5.30pm – Carnival tea time at Casino Prado
Children’s Carnival Queen oversees, tea time for boys and girls of the Casino Prado children’s groups.
Carnival King & Queen in attendance.

19: 50hrs 7.50pm – Retiro Carnival Ball
With His Majesty Carnestoltes and Sitges Carnival Queen.

Tuesday, 25th February

15:00hrs 3pm- Sitges Children’s Carnival Procession
Route: Avenida Sofia, Paseo de la Ribera (sea side) up to the El Greco statue. Return via Passeig de la Ribera (mountain side), c / Bassa Rodona, Plaça del Pou Vedre, c / Espalter, c / Sant Francesc and Cap de la Vila.

21:00hrs 9p.m. TUESDAY PARADE Sitges Carnival EXTINCION Procession
Route: Passeig de la Ribera / Sofia Avenue in the direction of La Fragata, Paseo de la Ribera, Bassa Rodona, Pou Vedre, Espalter, Sant Francesc and ending up in Cap de la Vila.

Sitges Carnival Carnaval

A wild, colourful and noisy ‘Mardi Gra’ type carnival.

Sitges Carnival Carnaval Parade Photo Gallery :

With over 300,000 party goers, at it’s height. Parade: Sunday and Tuesday


On the promenade and streets of Sitges

Often over 40 floats filled with beautiful people, young and old, of every persuasion, scantily dressed in colourful, wild and fun costumes. Parading around the streets of Sitges. Most Sitgeans and visitors dress up in crazy and fun costumes tto dance and party through the night.

Regarded by many, as one of Europe’s safest, wildest, street carnival.

Though rumbustious, the atmosphere is amazing with many people in fancy dress. Allowing the police to concentrate on marshaling the parade, which is behind a safety fence. Beauties male, female, young and old wear inventive, colourful and sometime skimpy outfits. Whilst the drumming bands keep the crowd and dancers active well into the morning.

And many stay out right through to after dawn

On the promenade and streets of Sitges
Sitges Film Festival Photos & Videos
Carnaval De Sitges Photos & Videos



A wild, colorful and noisy ‘Mardi Gra’ type carnival.
With over 300,000 party goers, at it’s height.

Often over 40 floats filled with beautiful people, young and old, of every persuasion,

A wild, colourful and noisy ‘Mardi Gra’ type carnival.
With over 300,000 party goers, at it’s height.

Often over 40 floats filled with beautiful people, young and old, of every persuasion,  scantily dressed in colourful, wild and fun costumes. Parading around the streets of Sitges. Most Sitgeans and visitors dress up in crazy and fun costumes to dance and party through the night.

Regarded by many, as one of Europe’s safest, wildest, street carnival.

Though rumbustious, the atmosphere is amazing with many people in fancy dress. Allowing the police to concentrate on marshalling the parade, which is behind a safety fence.   Beauties male, female, young and old wear inventive, colourful and sometime skimpy outfits. Whilst the drumming bands keep the crowd and dancers active well into the morning.

And many stay out right through to after dawn

A wild, colorful and noisy ‘Mardi Gra’ type carnival.

With over 300,000 party goers, at it’s height.

Often over 40 floats filled with beautiful people, young and old, of every persuasion,  scantily dressed in colourful, wild and fun costumes. Parading around the streets of Sitges. Most Sitgeans and visitors dress up in crazy and fun costumes to dance and party through the night.

Regarded by many, as one of Europe’s safest, wildest, street carnival.

Though rumbustious, the atmosphere is amazing with many people in fancy dress. Allowing the police to concentrate on marshaling the parade, which is behind a safety fence.   Beauties male, female, young and old wear inventive, colourful and sometime skimpy outfits. Whilst the drumming bands keep the crowd and dancers active well into the morning.

And many stay out right through to after dawn

The Arrival of the Carnival


The carnival is governed by ‘el Rei dels Poca-soltes’ (King of the foolish!), accompanied by the Queen of Carnival, to spread an atmosphere of revelry and debauchery in dozens of social events and cultural events around town.

Election of the Queen

Children’s Carnival

Events in El Retiro, the Prado or the Association of folk dances.


Her Majesty, the Carnival Queen and entourage visit schools and institutions in the town (also Saturday afternoon).

Street music and children’s activities in Sitges town.

The parades : Sunday & Tuesday

Sunday night is an important highlight during the Sitges Carnival, a parade of 50 plus floats and often over 3,500 costumed participants, held on the Rua de la Disbauxa (Road of debauchery!) and around Sitges.

It travels through the heart of the town

Tuesday night, it all happens again! Often with a greater number of visitors, to party the night away.

Children in fancy dress & costumes also take to the streets on the same day, but in the afternoon.

MAIN PARADE 7.30pm Sunday

Rua de la Disbauxa, or the Debauchery Parade

12 noon

  • Cap de la Vila
  • Pare-Ilades
  • Bonaire
  • Passeig de la Ribera
  • Bassa Rodona
  • Plaça del Pou Vedre
  • Espalter
  • Sant Fran-cesc i Cap de la Vila. 

8 pm Parade debauchery

  • Cap de la Vila
  • Parellades
  • Bonaire
  • Pas-seig de la Ribera fins a La Fra-gata
  • Tornada pel Passeig de la 

MAIN PARADE 7.30pm Tuesday 

‘Rua de lExterminior Extermination Parade

3 pm, Infants

  • Cap de la Vila
  • Pare-Ilades
  • Bonaire
  • Passeig de la Ribera
  • Bassa Rodona
  • Plaça del Pou Vedre
  • Espalter
  • Sant Fran-cesc i Cap de la Vila

View ROUTE: Carnaval Carnival Sitges 2014 Night for Adults in a larger map

Description translated below: But see Map Below or 

on previous Catalan Carnival Brochure PDF

La rua de Mar: Agnes Home in Sitges Avda Directorate . Nostra Senyora del Vinyet, pujant per Avda. Sofia and continuing along Passeig Vila-nova , until the  l’Escola Pia i Esteve Barrachina . From there , continue along Platja Sant Se-bastiàAvda. Balmins for academic bar finally arriving for the first time in the history of Carnival at the Melia Sitges (final destination) The parade Mountain Home IAB toward carrer de l’Antoniet  to get to Antoniet colde – gi Miquel Utrillo . Rate for F ( t , Rita and Benaprès Month – tre , Angel Lieder and take Lluís Companys , through the Kindergarten d’infants Moixiganga and climb to the Hotel Melia , to meet with the other parade and join all of us at 17:30 pm.



Exhibition “REINA 30 ANYS” (30 years of the Carnival Queen) at the Edifici Miramar illustrating 30 years of the Queen with an exhibition of photographs, dresses, crowns, engraved images … organized by Casino Prado on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the creation of the Sitges Carnival Queen, with the collaboration of the Council of Culture, Traditions and Festivals and the of Commission of Carnival.
Commission’s Artistic Direction by Joan Roca i Pujadó.

From 12:00h until 14:00h at the Palau del Rei Moro (Carrer d’en Bosc, 10-12) CARNIVAL WORKSHOP for children, with the performance of the MARKATÚ JUNIOR batucada and CARNAVALESQUE APERITIF with artisan beer from ‘La Sitgetana ‘.
Act organized by Agrupació de Balls Populars de Sitges.

At 19:30h at the Teatro Casino Prado, “GRAN ELECCIÓ DE LA REINA DEL CARNAVAL DE SITGES 2017 Reina 30 Anys”. “Grand announcement of the Sitges 2017 Carnival Queen” with an amazing spectacle of light and sound. Organized by Casino Prado. Admission is free. Doors open at 18:30h. Limited seating.

18:00h. El Retiro theatre hall: Gran Quinto Carnavaler 2017 (the Quinto is like a popular Bingo with local names for the numbers)
Prizes awarded by the Carnival groups of El Retiro.

-18:30h at the Casino Prado Theatre, ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE 2017 SITGES JUNIOR CARNIVAL QUEEN, organized by Casino Prado with the participation of “l’Espai de Dansa” of the Prado. Admission is free. Limited seating.

At 19:30h “ARRIBO” of His Majesty Carnestoltes organized by the Colla “Paperets Club” in La Fragata
Following the arrival ceremony, H.M. Carnestoltes and his court will parade along the following streets: Passeig de la Ribera, Sant Pau, Parellades, Cap de la Vila (where H.M. will meet H.M. the Carnival Queen), Major and Ayuntamiento, where H.M. Carnestoltes will take possession and read the traditional Predicot (opening speech).

Then H.M. Carnestoltes will visit the Casino Prado and the Palau del Rei Moro and will dine in El Retiro.

– 21:00h. Palau del Rei Moro: Xatonada for all and a performance by Mercè and Oriol and the visit of H.M. Carnestoltes and H.M. the Carnival Queen.
Those present will receive a copy of the “Gallofa”, a satirical and un-censored magazine edited by the association. Act organized by the Agrupació de Balls Populars de Sitges.

– 22:00h. Sociedad El Retiro: Xatonada – Dance / Carnival 2017 H.M. Carnestoltes and his entourage will attend the event. Music by LA BANDA PUIG
All scheduled events have a bar service. Special prices for Retiro members and groups. Reservations for the xatonada should be made with the Retiro administration office.

– 22:00 Casino Prado: Xatonada with the presence of H.M. Carnestoltes, emotional PRESENTATION OF H.M. THE QUEEN OF CARNIVAL 2017 “QUEEN 30 YEARS” and her entourage. At the end of the dinner, “CARRUSEL DE PEL·LÍCULA” .
All scheduled events have a bar service. Special prices for Prado members and groups. Registration, booking and information: 93 894 31 10.


– From 09:00h and throughout the day, H.M. Carnestoltes and H.M. the Carnival Queen and their respective entourages will visit the schools, residences and senior day care centres to bring the Carnival to all.
In the morning: ES Joan Ramon Benaprès, Escola Miquel Utrillo, Centre de Dia de l’Aplec, Escola Escaan (Queen at the Llar d’Infants el Cercolet), Escola Agnès de Sitges (Queen at the Llar d’Infants La Moixiganga), Escola Maria Ossó, IES Sitges and Fundació Ave Maria (Queen at Sitges Park).

At noon in Cap de la Vila, H.M. Carnestoltes with his Court and H.M. the Carnival Queen and her entourage, will eat together.

In the afternoon: Escola Esteve Barrachina, Escola Pia, Hospital de Sant Joan, Residencia les Magnòlies, Casal d’avis Pau Casals y Casal d’avis Caixa Penedès.
The order may be changed at the last minute.

– 20:00h in Perfumeria Júlia (sponsor of the Colla Paperets Club): Inauguration of the Exhibition “Paperets Club: una colla singular” (Paperets Club, a unique group), featuring photographs and the exhibition of some costumes.
The Mayor and the Sitges Carnival Commission are expected to attend.

– 20:00h-24:00h. Gran Gala de Venecia 2017 (Grand Venetian Gala 2017) in the Palau de Maricel, directed by Giorgio Manni. Charity gala evening held in honour of Cáritas. More information available at the establishments of the following sponsors: Hotel Cid, Hotel Galeón, Hotel Platja d’Or and Rincón de Pepe. Tickets at 25€ include the gala dinner and a donation to Cáritas). Numbers are limited.
Dress Code: Vintage costume or gala, masks are mandatory
Tickets: Daniela & Cristina on Calle Jesús 32, Sitges. Tel. 628 272 966
Presented by Júlia Creus, Josep Ferré and Esther Soto The evening entertainment includes shows and vintage music during dinner.
– 01:00h. Casino Prado Suburense, New Ricky´s & Guitar Shop present: THE GEORGIE DANN PARTY. Organized by: Casino Prado, Ricky’s & Guitar Shop
All scheduled events have a bar service. Special prices for Prado members and groups. Registration, booking and information: 93 894 31 10.


– 10:00h. – 10:00h. H.M. Carnestoltes and H.M. the Carnival Queen visit the Mercat Municipal. A very special visit indeed, since 2017 marks the 30th anniversary of the Municipal Market, the Queen’s Colla and the first Carnestoltes of the Colla Paperets.

– 11:00h. Cap de la Vila, The carnival group No K-Lia with assistance from carnival groups Llantos, Huertos and Panxamplas will entertain the public prior and during the Bed Race, and also as it passes by Cap de la Vila, displaying their traditional revelry and great sense of humour. Featuring this year, the celebration of the “55ª Festa de l’Ofrena Floral de Sitges” (55th Floral Offering Festival of Sitges), the contest of “Pubilles” and “Hereus” and then the floral offering.

– 12:00h SITGES BED RACE. Departs from in front of the gardens of the Casino Prado Suburense at noon. H.M. the Carnival Queen and H.M. the Junior Carnival Queen will fire the starting gun and the guest of honour H.M. Carnestoltes and his court may or may not close the race.
Route: Casino Prado, Françesc Gumà, Jesús, Cap de la Vila, Parellades, Sant Pau, Passeig de la Ribera Sant Pere, Parellades, Marqués de Montroig, 1r de Maig, Passeig de la Ribera until the Restaurant Eguzki Lizarran. His Royal Majesty and the Carnival Queens will present the prizes to the winners.

– 14:00h at Casino Prado, splendid lunch for H.M. the Queen of the Carnival offered by CANYATECA PRADO.

– 14:00h Lunch for H.M. Carnestoltes and his entourage at the Sunway Playa Golf offered by this hotel.

– From 16:30h to 18:30h. Plaça Catalunya. Children’s and Cake Party to celebrate the anniversary of the children’s and adult’s Colla Paperets carnival groups. With bouncy castles and cakes, courtesy of local pastry establishments and residents.

– 17:00h In front of Restaurant Lizarran, II Fardo Concert with Miquel del Roig. Coinciding with National Fardo Day, the concert will be presided over by H.M. Carnestoltes and his entourage with the indispensable company of H.M. the Carnival Queen and her court.
Act organized by the group Les Barraques, with the cooperation of Cursa de Llits disfressats.

– 17:00h 13th Tequereque Festa of the musical association Markatú Batucada. At the head of the parade, Markatú Batuquets followed by DRUMS from Esplugues, TOQUIKITOQUI BATUKADA from Santa Coloma de Cervelló, RETUMBAND from Sant Esteve Sesrovires and Markatú BATUCADA.
Route along the town streets of: Pl. de l’Ajuntament, Major, Cap de la Vila, Sant Francesc, Sant Gaudenci, Sant Josep, Parellades, Marquès de Mont-roig, Pl. Industria, Primer de Maig, Joan Tarrida, Bonaire, Parellades and Cap de la Vila where the closing of the event will take place.

– 22:00 Casino Prado: Xatonada with the presence of H.M. Carnestoltes, and H.M. the QUEEN OF CARNIVAL 2017 “QUEEN 30 ANYS” and her entourage. At the end of the dinner, “CARRUSEL DE PEL·LÍCULA”.
All scheduled events have a bar service. Special prices for Prado members and groups. Registration, booking and information: 93 894 31 10.


– From 11:30h until 14:30h on the Paseo de la Ribera, at the height of the Pont de Domènec, CHILDREN’S WORKSHOP of masks and makeup. Boys and girls accompanied by professional monitors will be able to make their own masks with recycled material and paint their faces, while the children’s parade goes by.

– 12:00h. Junior Parade.
Route: Cap de la Vila, Parellades, Marquès de Montroig, Pl. Industria, 1r. de Maig, Passeig de la Ribera, Bassa Rodona, Pl. del Pou Vedre, Espalter, Sant Francesc and Cap de la Vila

19:30h. Rua de la Disbauxa. (Rua of Debauchery)
Route: Starts at the bottom of Avinguda Sofia, Passeig de la Ribera (sea side), La Fragata, Passeig de la Ribera (mountain side), Bassa Rodona, Plaça del Pou Vedre, Espalter, Sant Francesc and Cap de la Vila.

– When the Rua de la Disbauxa finishes, there will be a FANCY DRESS BALL with DISCO MUSIC in the Theatre Hall of the Sociedad Recreativa El Retiro. Access is reserved to the members of Retiro carnival groups and members. Limited number of tickets available.
All programmed events feature a bar. Special prices for members and carnival groups of El Retiro. Xatonada reservations should be made with the Retiro administration office.

– When the Rua de la Disbauxa finishes, there will be a FIESTA DE LA DISBAUXA in the Theatre Hall of the Casino Prado Suburense, hosted by DJ TONI PERET. Access is reserved to the members of el Prado carnival groups and members. Limited number of tickets available.
All programmed events feature a bar. Special prices for members and carnival groups of El Prado. For registration, reservations and information call: 93 894 31 10.

– 17:00h. Casino Prado. CHILDREN’S PARTY hosted by Kids Party Show. Snacks for the girls and boys who participate in junior carnival groups of El Prado, with the presence of the Carnival Queens and their court and H.M. Carnestoltes.

– 21:00h. El Retiro: Dance. Theatre Hall of El Retiro. Music by GRAN ORQUESTRA ROSALEDA and DISCO MARIN . With the presence of H.M. Carnestoltes and his entourage.
All programmed events feature a bar. Special prices for members and carnival groups of El Retiro. Xatonada reservations should be made with the Retiro administration office.


– Rua Infantil (Junior Parade.)
Route: Starts at the bottom of the Avinguda Sofia, Passeig de la Ribera (sea side), La Fragata, Passeig de la Ribera (mountain side), Bassa Rodona, Plaça del Pou Vedre, Espalter, Sant Francesc and Cap de la Vila.

– Once the Junior Parade ends, there will be a CHILDREN´S FANCY DRESS PARTY with DISCO MARIN for those children who have participated in Retiro carnival groups. Event held in the theatre hall of the Sociedad El Retiro

– 21:00h. Rua del Extermini.
Route: Starts at the bottom of Avinguda Sofia, Passeig de la Ribera (sea side), La Fragata, Passeig de la Ribera (mountain side), Bassa Rodona, Plaça del Pou Vedre, Espalter, Sant Francesc and Cap de la Vila.

– Once the Rua de la Disbauxa ends there will be a FANCY DRESS BALL with DISCO MUSIC in the Theatre Hall of the Sociedad Recreativa El Retiro. Access is reserved to the members of El Retiro carnival groups and members. Limited number of tickets available.
All programmed events feature a bar. Special prices for members and carnival groups of El Retiro. Xatonada reservations should be made with the Retiro administration office.

– Once the Rua de la Disbauxa ends there will be a FIESTA DE L’EXTERMINI hosted by DJ TONI PERET in the Theatre Hall of the Casino Prado Suburense. Access is reserved to the members of El Prado carnival groups and members. Limited number of tickets available.
All programmed events feature a bar. Special prices for members and carnival groups of El Prado. For registration, reservations and information call: 93 894 31 10.


– From 16:00h to 17:00h the royal entourage will enjoy the traditional coffee, digestive and cigar…

– 17:45h The FUNERAL CHAPEL for His Majesty will be set up in the entrance to the Town Hall, here all his faithful followers will be able to pay their respects and say their last goodbyes.

– 19:00h … THE BURIAL OF THE SARDINE. His Majesty Carnestoltes, accompanied by his court, the Queen and her courtiers, the mourners that wish to join in, and anybody who wishes to pay their respects to the King of Carnestoltes, will follow this route: Major, Cap de la Vila, Parellades, Marquès de Montroig, 1r de Maig and Passeig de la Ribera arriving at the beach of La Fragata.

– 19:30h Reading of the last will and testament of His Majesty. Farewell ceremony.

– Having said farewell to His Royal Majesty Carnestoltes, on Paseo de la Ribera, ARRIVAL OF SRA. CUARESMA (MRS. LENT) ending a magnificent week of excess and sin, and bringing a note of common sense. The entourage will take the following route: Passeig de la Ribera, Sant Pau, Parellades and Cap de la Vila, where Sra. Cuaresma will read her very peculiar Vegetable Manifesto and hand out sugared “Buñuelos” (wind fritters).

– 21:00h Sociedad Recreativa El Retiro: CLOSING XATONADA
All programmed events feature a bar. Special prices for members and carnival groups of El Retiro. Xatonada reservations should be made with the Retiro administration office.

– 21:30h Casino Prado Suburense: CLOSING DINNER and handing out of diplomas.
All programmed events feature a bar. Special prices for members and carnival groups of El Prado. For registration, reservations and information call: 93 894 31 10.


(actual agenda: often published close to event, but probably similar)


  • 8pm – 20:00hrs: Ateneu Popular de Sitges: Xerrada de Carnaval (A discussion on the subject of Carnival). “Quin cost té el Carnaval?” (How much does Carnival cost?)
    Participants include representatives from the Carnival entities, comparsa groups and members of civil society organisations. Organized by the Ateneu Popular de Sitges and the Agrupació de Balls Populars de Sitges.


  • 6pm – 18:00hrs: Theater Hall of El Retiro: Gran Quinto Carnavaler/Carnaval 2015
    El Quinto is a popular “bingo-style game”. Prizes awarded by the Carnival Retiro’s groups.


  • 7.30pm – 19:30hrs: La Fragata: Arrival of his Majesty Carnestoltes (“Arribo”) performed by the Colla “Erem Pocs”.
    At the end of the “Arribo”, SM Carnestoltes and his entourage will go on Parade along the Paseo de la Ribera to the Sports Bar, where they will wait until the Queen performs her presentation.
  • 8.45pm – 20:45hrs: Parade of SM Carnestoltes and his entourage to Cap de la Vila where they will meet the Carnival Queen (parade: Bassa Rodona, Plaça Pou Vedre, Espalter, Sant Francesc, Cap de la Vila)
  • 8pm – 20:00hrs: At the end of the “Arribo”, Presentation of the Carnival Queen & Children’s Carnival Queen ,performed by Colla Show Carrusel del Prado. Followed by the parade “Rua de las Cortes Imperiales de las Reinas” (“Rua of the Imperial Courts of the Queens”.

    Parade route:
    Paseo de la Ribera, Bonaire, Parellades, Cap de la Vila (where HM Carnestoltes will be met), Major and Ayuntamiento (Town Hall) where HM Carnestoltes will proclaim his reign with the traditional “Predicot” (speech) 21:15h.


  • 10pm – 22:00hrs: Palau del Rei Moro: Xatonada + show  with jokes, with the visit of his Majesty Carnestoltes and the Queen of Carnival.
    The Gallofa, a satirical and uncensored magazine produced by the association will be distributed at the event.
    Organized by  l’Agrupació de Balls Populars de Sitges.
    Tickets for sale at “Copisteria El Pati” (C /. Illa de Cuba 10) until 10th February. Price 18 €  ABPS members and 20 € non-members.
  • 10pm – 22:00hrs: Societat Recreativa El Retiro: Xatonada – Dance /Carnaval 2015 with the presence of his Majesty Carnestoltes and his entourage. Music by “Rumba al Bar”
  • 10pm – 22:00hrs: Casino El Prado: Xatonada+ spectacle by Show Carrusel “Sempre la Revista”/Carnaval 2015 with the presence of his Majesty Carnestoltes and the Carnival Queen and the Children’s Queen.


  • 9am – 9:00hrs onwards: HM Carnestoltes, the Queen of Carnival and the Children’s Carnival Queen, visit schools, nursing homes and senior citizens homes. From 09:00h in the morning and throughout the day.
  • 7pm to 11pm – 19:00 to 23: 00hrs:  Palau Maricel. Gran Gala Venecia 2015  (Charity Gala)
  • 7.30pm – 19:30hrs: Visit of HM Carnestoltes to the neighborhood of  les Cases Noves
  • 8.30pm – 20:30hrs: Primer de Maig Street: Afterwork Carnavaler with the presence of his Majesty Carnestoltes and the Carnival Queen
  • 10pm – 22:00hrs: Elegibó in concert  in the Casino Prado presents “Kimbara” and the new Carnival 2015 song, with the participation of  Eli Percusssió Menuda and other guest artists. Free entrance.
  • 11.30pm – 23:30h: Revival Party, at Casino Prado, (18 and over). Ticket+drink 10€ for Casino Prado’s members and 15€ for non-members.


  • 10am – 10:00hrs: Visit to the Mercat Municipal of HM Carnestoltes and the Queen of Carnival. Mercat Municipal.
  • 12pm – 12:00h: Bed Race. Starts in front of the Casino Prado Suburense’s Gardens at 12:00 h. Participation of HM Carnestoltes with the presence of the Carnival Queen and the Children’s Carnival Queen.

    Route: Casino Prado, Francesc Gumà, Jesús, Cap de la Vila, Parellades, Sant Pere, Passeig de la Ribera to the finishing line in front of Lizarran.From 10.30hrs 10.30am in the morning, group Colla “No K-lia”  will entertain the people in Cap de la Vila.


  • 4.30pm to 8pm – 16:30 to 20:00hrs: Children’s Party at Plaza Catalunya  (Poble Sec), with the presence of his Majesty Carnestoltes and his entourage.
  • 5.30pm – 17:30hrs: ¡11ª Tequereque Festa!  with a performance of guest groups and over 150 percussionists. Plaça Ajuntament 17:30 h. Markatú Parade starting 17:45h: Major, Cap de la Vila, Parellades, Bonaire, Joan Tarrida, Plaça Industria (special performance), Primer de Maig, Parellades, Cap de la Vila (special performance) and ending around 12:00h
  • 7.30pm – 19:30hrs: Parade of HM Carnestoltes through different businesses and shops collaborators with Colla Erem Pocs, SM Carnestoltes organizers.
  • 10pm – 22:00hrs: Casino El Prado: Xatonada+ spectacle by Show Carrusel “Sempre la Revista”/Carnaval 2015 with the presence of his Majesty Carnestoltes and the Carnival Queens.

Carnaval De Sitges Photos & Videos
Carnaval De Sitges Photos & Videos





  • 12 Midday – 12:00hrs: Rua Infantil (Children’s Parade), click on link for the itinerary CHILDRENS PARADE. Starts in Cap de la Vila.
    At the end of the Rua there will be a junior disco in El Prado. For children belonging to the Carnival groups of Prado and Prado’s members. Free entrance.
    At the end of the Rua there will be a Kids Costume Dance in Retiro’s gardens with Disco Marín. Free Entrance
  • 8pm – 20:00hrs:  Rua de la Disbauxa (adults parade). click on link for the itinerary ADULTS PARADE. Starts in Cap de la Vila.
    When the Rua ends, there will be dancing in El Prado (18 years and over) and El Retiro with Carnival Dancing (10€ ticket+drink).  For members of the entities only.


Mapa-rua-infantil Mapa-rua-noche


  • 5pm – 17:00hrs: Casino Prado: Hot chocolate + Kids Party Show and the presence of the Carnival Queen and Children’s Carnival Queen. For children belonging to the Carnival groups of Prado. Invitation required. Oficial presentation of Elegibó Percussió Menuda.
  • 9pm – 21:00hrs: El Retiro: Dancing- Lunch in the Theater Hall of El Retiro. Music by Andreu’s Orquestra.


  • 3pm – 15:00hrs: Rua Infantil (Children’s Parade), click on link for the itinerary CHILDRENS PARADE. Starts in Cap de la Vila.
    At the end of the Rua there will be a junior disco in El Prado. For children belonging to the Carnival groups of Prado and Prado’s members. Free entrance.
    At the end of the Rua there will be a Kids Costume Dance in Retiro’s gardens with Disco Marín. Free Entrance
  • 8pm – 20:00hrs: Rua del Extermini (adults parade). click on link for the itinerary ADULTS PARADE. Starts Cap de la Vila.
    When the Rua ends, there will be dancing in El Prado (18 years and over) and El Retiro with Carnival Dancing (10€ ticket+drink). For members of the entities only.


Mapa-rua-infantil Mapa-rua-noche


  • to 5pm – 16:00 to 17:00hrs: Societat Recreativa El Retiro, in La Can Tina: Coffee, spirits and cigar…
  • 6.30 – 18:30hrs: Farewell to HM Carnestoltes at the Town Hall. Sitgetans and Sitgetanes are all invited to say goodbye to their King.
  • 7pm – 19:00hrs: Carnestoltes’ Burial Rua. – “Entierro de la Sardina” – Parade route: Major, Cap de la Vila, Parellades, Bonaire, Passeig de la Ribera and continues to the Beach of la Fragata
  • 8pm – 20:00hrs: on the Beach of la Fragata, farewell ceremony of HM Carnestoltes, with reading of last will and Testament.LINK TO THE MAP OF BURIAL RUA AND MRS. LENT mapa-entierro-carnestoltes
  • 8.30pm – 20:30hrs: Arrival of Señora Cuaresma (Mrs. Lent). La Fragata. This takes place after the farewell of Carnestoltes.
    Starting of the Rua (parade): Passeig de la Ribera, Bonaire, Parellades until Cap de la Vila where the vegetables manifest will be read
  • 10pm – 22:00hrs: Casino Prado Suburense: Dinner – Closure of Carnival with diplomas and keepsakes.
  • 10pm – 22:00hrs: Societat Recreativa El Retiro: Carnival finale with Xatonada.


  • 9.30pm – 21:30hrs: IPrivate Xatonada finale of the Carnival Group Carrossòdrom (float makers).

Sitges Carnival 2012 Official Program released here (in a CD style format), includes a cut out costume :):

Carnaval De Sitges Photos & Videos
Carnaval De Sitges Photos & Videos




Sitges March Carnival Carnaval Parade 2014

On the promenade and streets of Sitges

Often over 40 floats filled with beautiful people, young and old, of every persuasion, scantily dressed in colourful, wild and fun costumes. Parading around the streets of Sitges. Most Sitgeans and visitors dress up in crazy and fun costumes tto dance and party through the night.

Regarded by many, as one of Europe’s safest, wildest, street carnival.

Though rumbustious, the atmosphere is amazing with many people in fancy dress. Allowing the police to concentrate on marshaling the parade, which is behind a safety fence. Beauties male, female, young and old wear inventive, colourful and sometime skimpy outfits. Whilst the drumming bands keep the crowd and dancers active well into the morning.

And many stay out right through to after dawn

Wednesday of Carnival Event

7pm – The Kings Funeral Procession

  • Plaça Ajuntament
  • Major
  • Cap de la Vila
  • Parellades
  • Bonaire
  • Passeig de la Ribera (les Barques beach / plage de les Barques).

8.30pm – Burial of the King

  • Passeig de la Ribera (les Barques beach / plage de les Barques)

Main Days

  • “Thursday Lardo” llega Carnestoltes with Her Majesty Carnival Queen and entourage parade to Sitges City Hall
  • “Sunday Carnival” Rua Disbauxa with dozens of floats, many costumed dancers and visitors, along Sitges promenade and town roads
  • “Tuesday Carnival”  “Mardi Gras Extermini Rua”, with dozens of floats, many costumed dancers and visitors, along Sitges promenade and town roads
  • “Ash Wednesday” celebrating the funeral Carnestoltes and closing the carnival

Sitges Gay Carnaval de Sitges is often 4 days prior to Sitges Carnival

PRINT VERSION: Http://Www.Sitgesevents.Com/sitges-carnival-carnaval

Carnaval De Sitges Photos & Videos
Carnaval De Sitges Photos & Videos


About the Organizers :

Sitges Carnival Parade

Free (other than costume rental, but many make their own, which is part of the fun!) Charges for entrance to some clubs

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