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Sitges Haloween Guided Tour

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Start Date: October 26, 2012
End Date: October 27, 2012
Time: 10:00 pm


Location: Carrer Angel Vidal, 17 08870 Sitges

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Dia Internacional Cancer de mama Sitges

over 3 days

Local board of Sitges (AECC) Information Desks (Junta Local de Sitges- AECC)

Set out in ‘Cap de la Vila’ Sitges (center of Sitges village) to convey & teach the importance of preventive actions in the fight with Cancer.

Focused at the female population & combating Breast Cancer

  • Thursday, October 18th: 6pm to 8pm : 18 – 20hrs
  • Friday, October 19th : 6pm to 8pm : 18 – 20hrs
  • Saturday, October 20th : 10am to 8pm : 10 – 20 hrs


  • Local Board of Sitges-AECC
    Carrer de Rafael Llompart, 27, pis 1r. : 1st floor: Tel: 93.894.56.54
  • L’Associació Marinada VNG
    (self-help group for women with breast cancer)
    Passeig Marítim, 73 de Vilanova i la Geltrú. Tel 93 815.43.07
    Wednesdays from 18-19hrs.

Breast Cancer Advice Document
CATALAN here : ENGLISH (Google Translation) BELOW

Page 1

Barcelona city : Breast cancer and early detection:

what to know

Page 2


Page 3

1. Information about breast cancer

2. What is an early detection program for breast cancer

3. What women can not be included in a screening program?

4. Mammography: what you need to know

5. What tests are diagnostic confirmation

6. Benefits and problems associated with population screening

Page 4

1. Information about breast cancer

What is breast cancer?


Breast cancer is hereditary?


What kind of diseases are in the breast?


Preinvasive lesions


Invasive lesions


Risk factors for breast cancer


Natural history of disease


Breast cancer is really a very frequent disease?


What survival and mortality which is breast cancer?


What types of treatment are available?


Surgery: what?


Side effects of surgery: lymphoedema


Chemotherapy: what?


Side effects of chemotherapy


Radiotherapy: what?


When given radiotherapy?


What types of radiation are there?


Side effects of radiotherapy


Hormone treatment: what?


Side effects of hormone therapy


Other therapies: therapy directed


Other important aspects: emotional factors


Page 5


1. Information about breast cancer

What is breast cancer?

It is a disease that affects the mammary gland and, as in

other types of cancer occurs when cells begin to divide or

reproduce more than necessary and in an uncontrolled manner, thus creating a

mass of tissue called tumor. might appear in different parts of these-

ta mammary gland.

The main function of the mammary gland is producing milk after

delivery. It is located in the front of the chest, in front of the muscle

ing chest. It consists of glandular tissue forming a distributed cumulative

mules are called lobules and ducts are connected to each other by

galactòfors or breast, which are the leading milk to the nipple

during breastfeeding.

The blood circulation is through the blood vessels (veins and arteries),

but there are also other conduits called lymphatic vessels that the

circulating fluid, lymph, yellowish containing cells that defense

without the body of harmful substances.

Cancer occurs when there is a disorderly growth of cells

tissue , in this case, the mammary gland. Breast cancer is the tumor more

frequent in women in Catalonia, representing 30% of all tumors. In

women aged 50 to 65 is where the greatest number of cases of the disease.

Breast cancer is hereditary?

The majority of breast cancers, 70% are sporadic, the

remainder attributed to between 15-20% of cases and familial aggregation between

5-10% are considered hereditary.

Familial aggregation is considered when there are several cases of cancer of ma-

m in the same family without any mutation or less

1. Ribcage

2. Pectoralis

3. Lobes

4. Nipple

5. Halo

6. Uct

7. Adipose tissue

8. Skin

that may have been detected with the techniques available today, these

cases refers to a genetic predisposition weak.

On the other hand, is considered a hereditary cancer that appears in those

people who have a genetic mutation in certain genes (BRCA1 and

BRCA2 ) Which have a high susceptibility to breast cancer.

The presence of a family history of breast cancer is an important risk factor

and as shown, but may be considered secondary to environmental factors

such and / or shared among members of a gene family.Some-

Studies have shown that having a first degree relative, either the mother or

sister with breast cancer can double the risk of a woman

develop breast cancer.This risk is higher if the age of diagnosis

tic is less than 50 years or is a bilateral breast cancer, namely, that

affects both breasts.However, a positive family history of cancer

breast does not necessarily imply a greater predisposition to the disease.

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1. Information about breast cancer


What kind of diseases are in the breast?

In the breast, like all bodies, there are all kinds of diseases, both benign and

malignant. Within the concept of malignancies accept those tumors

that we believe are invasive and preinvasius, but for their

features require specific treatment.

There are different types of tumors in the place of the breast where they originated and

as well as having the potential invasiveness. We define invasive lesions

those who have the capacity of invasion of surrounding tissue and lymph nodes ,

and can spread to other parts of the body. The preinvasive despite

have atypical cells lack this ability of invasion to other organs.

Preinvasive lesions

Ductal carcinoma “in situ” : Originates in the mammary ducts and tumor

localized, non-invasive but must be treated because it could eventually be-

come invasive.

Lobulillar carcinoma “in situ” : It is a risk marker of develop-

develop a breast cancer. You must make a careful monitoring and control.

Invasive lesions

These lesions can be considered a better prognosis and a

an uncertain prognosis. The classification of these lesions depends on

origin: epithelial , Mesenquimatós (the vessels in fat tissue in

muscle), both sources (phylloides tumor), or lymphatic tissue lesions

metastàssiques to other organs.

The most common are of epithelial origin:

Ductal . Is the most common.

Infiltrating carcinoma lobulillar . Sometimes multifocal and / or bilateral.

Medullary carcinoma

Mucinous or colloid carcinoma . The cells produce “mucin,” a


• Micropapillary and papillary carcinoma.

Inflammatory breast carcinoma is a type of cancer growth

Fast, aggressive and quite unusual.It is characterized by the appearance of signs

inflammatory breast volume increases, it becomes red,

feeling of warmth, the cancer cells block the lymph vessels in

the skin and acquire the appearance of orange peel.It has a large

potential dissemination.

Risk factors for breast cancer

Among the risk factors for breast cancer include the following:

• Age, because after 50 years is more common.

• Menstruation a very young age, ie, before age 12.

• Menopause late, ie after 50 years.

• Advanced age at the time of the first part (over 30 years) or failing

had children.

• Personal history of breast disease or benign (not

cancerous) breast.

• Mother or sister with breast cancer.

• Treatment with radiation therapy for Hodgkin’s lymphoma earlier directed


• Hormone treatment after menopause.

• Overconsumption of alcohol.In our environment, we con-

considered that a consumption of alcoholic drinks is equivalent to an intake

approximately 10-12 g. alcohol.In the case of women con-

considers risk from consumption of more than 2 drinks daily

alcoholic beverage is wine, beer or other beverages of higher


Recent studies have shown that when the daily consumption of alcohol among

35 to 44 gr., The risk of breast cancer was 1.32 times greater,

or what is the same, a 32% higher risk than people who do not con-

Meixin.In addition, for each unit of alcohol daily over this risk increase was

while at 7%.

• Being overweight, especially if it has been maintained over the years and very particular

tors during menopause.

• Excessive fat, especially animal.

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1. Information about breast cancer


• Recent studies also show possible genetic factors specific

of different races, specifically African American women, which may

increased risk of the disease.

Natural history of disease

As mentioned above, from a healthy cell tissue

breast, and acting on it factors mentioned above, there may be

ir a cellular alterations and abnormal cellular multiplication to de-

sencadenar a malignant lesion.

The breast cancer is the rapid proliferation and reproduction

uncontrolled cells of the glandular epithelium of the ducts of the breast.

Most diseases have a latency period or “window” or more

shorter, which is already present in the body of the person but not yet

Women’s symptoms. If there is a technique to diagnose

disease at this time and, more importantly, start the med-

ment reaching to cure the disease, which can justify screening or

early detection. In the case of breast cancer, there is this period

latency, mammography can warn of the presence of a lesion before

give symptoms and treatment initiated at this time, is more effective and

therefore, increase the likelihood of healing. In other cancers,

Or this window period is very short, and you do not have to present a

technique that allows them to make an early diagnosis, and some types of cancer

even being able to do this early diagnosis, starting treatment in this

does not seem to contribute to improving the outcome of the process.

Breast cancer is really a very frequent disease?

Breast cancer is the most common among women and accounts for 30% of

all cancers are in women. In Catalonia, the new cases that

appear every year affecting 116 of 100,000 women, or what is the same, a

total of 3,815 new cases. In addition, it is expected that this figure will be increased,

Therefore, although the overall European Union countries, occupies a

intermediate-low, that is, we are the incidents relatively low .

What survival and mortality which is breast cancer?

Being so common, it is still the leading cause of death from can-

cer in women, although in recent years has fallen.

In Barcelona, specifically in women 50 to 69 years, mortality can-

cer breast has decreased progressively, from a mortality

of 71 per 100,000 women in 1985 to 52.3 per 100,000 in 2008.

There are several factors that have made this change, including high-profile

quen diagnostic and therapeutic advances alongside the introduction of

measures for early diagnosis of breast cancer. The survivalof

breast cancer after 5 years of diagnosis has increased

significantly, from 67.6% in women diagnosed between 1985 –

1989, to 76.9% in the period 1990-1994 to 82.5% in diagnosing

nosticades between 1995-1999.

Survival is closely related to prognosis at the time of diagnosis

(Chance of recovery) and treatment options for each case.Basic

cally, all this depends on the following aspects:

The stage of the cancer, determined by the size of thetumor and its possible

spread to the lymph nodes (especially in the armpit or other body parts) which

are way out of cancer cells to other parts of the body.

• The type of breast cancer.Some cancers are more aggressive than others.

• The concentrations of hormone receptors (estrogen and progesterone)

in tumor cells.

• If the cells have high concentrations of factor receptor growing

Human epidermal growth type 2 (HER2/neu).

• The woman’s age, general health status and menopausal(if the woman

still has menstrual periods ).

• If cancer is diagnosis or recent returns ( recid ).

Currently there is research to determine other factors that

could give more information about the behavior of each


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1. Information about breast cancer


The prognosis of breast cancer, as mentioned above, depends on the extent

time of diagnosis in the early stages of healing is high, but few

cases of disseminated disease with prolonged survival. Hence the in-

interest to get a diagnosis and treatment as soon as possible, plea

which have been implemented worldwide programs for early detection

disease, as in the case of Barcelona which runs from the end of 1995.

What types of treatment are available?

Currently, treatment options are many, varied and many

combinations. The choice of one or another type of therapy is determined

the size, location and characteristics of each tumor.

Thus, broadly speaking, different types of treatment include: surgery

chemotherapy, radiotherapy, hormone treatment and therapy aimed at “day-

ple therapy. ”

Surgery: what?

The aim of this surgery must be radical, effective, ie it must achieve

follow the removal of the local disease, and the result should be aesthetically pleasing. The disseminated-

nation of breast cancer most commonly via lymphatic (lymph), not

Blood. Therefore it is necessary to have information about the involvement of lymph nodes or not.

Usually the cancer cells if they leave the breast, follow the road

no lymph nodes of the armpit, for this reason, the study of lymph

axillary is so important. Recently, the study of sentinel lymph node is

in some cases may prevent the removal of lymph nodes in the armpit, thus avoiding the

patient discomfort and problems secondary to this surgery.

In the surgical treatment of breast cancer is not necessarily the only, or

should not necessarily be the first choice.

For many years accepted that the removal of the breast and lymph nodes

axillary surgery are suitable for the treatment of breast cancer. But

Advances in methods of diagnosis and treatment have led to other

protocols for the preservation of the breast.

In 1972 accepted as breast conserving surgery suitable for treat-

ment of this type of cancer.In recent years has been guided surgery

not only in the conservative treatment of breast cancer, but also lymph

axillary. In cases be required mastectomy (breast removal)

increasingly valued over its reconstruction, immediate or delayed.

The decision will depend on the type of surgery and clinical assessment methods

of diagnostic imaging (mammography, ultrasound, MRI).

Surgery as the first treatment will be made in cases where

feasible to remove the injury to the breast and the lymph nodes in the armpit and

that there is disseminated disease in the body.In other cases it is done

first semester of medical treatment to reduce local disease.

The surgery on the breast are:

Conservative. Removed the tumor and a bit of healthy tissue around.

Sometimes, depending on the size of the tumor to be removed as a quadrant

(1/4 of the breast), it’s called “quadrantectomia.”

OrRadical mastectomy. It is the removal of all breast tissue, including

skin around the aureole and nipple and.Mastectomy is currently the most used

the “modified radical mastectomy” that keeps the muscle

latura chest and blood vessels and nerves important not to lose

good mobility of the arm.In some cases, depending on the age of the pa-

cient and the prognosis can be assessed whether or not to

a radiotherapy after surgery. Currently, in some cases,

The patient is offered the possibility of an immediate reconstruction.The cy-

rurgia always be done by a reconstructive plastic surgeon, whether im-

mediately as if it is after a while.

In those cases, because there are some lymph nodes affected

needed further axillary surgery, which can also be:

Conservative or SLNB. The first is the removal / s node / s

affected nodes / s in the case of dissemination of malignant cells from

breast cancer.At the time of surgery is the location for medium-

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1. Information about breast cancer


means of a radiotracer (radioactive substance) is injected in the ma-

ma few hours before surgery. The most common location of

sentinel lymph nodes in the armpit, but there are other locations pos-

sible (internal mammary chain in the region of the sternum, in the ma-

breast tissue, …). This is achieved not have to remove all the tissue

lymphadenectomy. If the sentinel node is affected, it is necessary to remove all

the axillary nodes.

Radical or lymphadenectomy. It is the removal of fatty tissue of the axilla

that are distributed in the axillary nodes.

Recently, in some cases before surgery is a period of treatment

mind in order to reduce tumor size in this way can

avoid radical surgery (mastectomy) and make it more conservative.

Whenever you make a conservative treatment of breast cancer will be

radiotherapy later use. Radiotherapy in other areas-

Pendra the level of involvement of the lymph nodes at the end of surgery.

Following are the results of the surgery, the oncologist assessed in each case

necessary medical treatment: chemotherapy, hormone therapy or treatment

mind with therapeutic (chemotherapy treatments are not).

Side effects of surgery: lymphoedema

Complications of surgery for breast cancer and more problems

cause of women are those arising from the removal of lymph

axillary. The most common and appears immediately after surgery

is the alteration of the sensitivity of the axilla and inner arm (feeling

burning), which secondarily leads to a difficulty in mobilizing

and above the elevation of the arm.

By late complications can arise as much from surgery

radiotherapy: shrinkage, swelling of the arm (lymphedema), which has been

the removal of lymph nodes. This will result if there is a good report

tion on the care of the limb, a worsening of physical problems

(Can reach a sore shoulder and limit the mobility of the limb)

consequently also psychological and aesthetic.It will therefore be necessary

good prevention Lymphoedema and possible complications of shoulder

have a good quality of life.

So importance should be given a clear and accurate healthcare education

tary.Must perform the exercises appropriate for each moment of the treaty

ment for cancer, which offer a specialized physiotherapist.It is also

important to take care of the arm, avoiding lead weights with that arm, pro-

Ginter it from extreme temperatures, the blood samples, measuring the

pressure, wear tight jewelry or watches, etc..

To minimize secondary complications to the axillary lymph node removal,

is done “sentinel node technique.” It should be noted that

the technique of sentinel lymph node can not totally avoid the appearance

of Lymphedema of the arm.

Chemotherapy: what?

It involves the administration of drugs, usually via intra-

vein, with the goal of eliminating cancer cells that may ro-

Mandre active and can spread through the organism.The drug administra-

administer the dose and frequency depend on factors such as: size

injury, location of nodal involvement, risk factors, age

patient, etc..

The combination of different treatment options are varied and depend

these same factors. Sometimes it is only that-

chemotherapy or radiotherapy or surgery.Other combinations are

according to therapeutic indication.

Side effects of chemotherapy

The side effects that can occur depend on a treatment

essence of the drug and its dose.But not all effects influencing

All the patients nor with the same intensity.

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1. Information about breast cancer


The most common are:

• The Alopecia is hair loss and usually appears in the first sessions

chemotherapy and is usually a quick process from the first drop-

mere hair. After finishing the treatment, the hair grows back after

time of the last session.

• Alterations in the blood that sometimes entails a decrease

defense and the need to start treatment with antibiotics is

prophylactic. In this case, often postponed a chemotherapy session

days until recovery of blood parameters.

• digestive disorders such as diarrhea, vomiting, constipation, loss of taste,

mouth sores etc.. Although the occurrence of one or more of these symptoms

considered normal, you should always discuss with the doctor in charge

or the nurse who administers the treatment. There are currently medi-

tions specific to that cause these symptoms and treatment

its side effects are better tolerated.

Changes in menstruation that once the treatment in many

Sometimes it becomes a regular. In cases where such alterations as-

carry a risk of infertility, advised young women who have no children

and you want to have it, contemplate the possibility of obtaining a sample

ovarian tissue for later fertilization if necessary.

Radiotherapy: what?

Involves the use of ionized radiation that nullifies the ability-

child cells to grow and reproduce. This is achieved by the damage that is pro-

Decrease in the cell nucleus through different levels, physiochemical and biological. At injured

· lulaperdlacapacitatdedividir-cal-neelmaterialgenèticnuclearlacèl seimorirà.

The healthy cells are less sensitive to the effects of radiation, since

divide more slowly than the diseased cells and, moreover, are capa-

ces to recover from the damage caused by radiation.

Thus, the goal of radiation therapy is to destroy cancer cells down-

holy minor damage to healthy tissue that may embolten the tumor.

When given radiotherapy?

Radiotherapy for breast cancer plays a well-defined and established

within the multidisciplinary treatment, one of the three fundamental pillars that

While his treatment with surgery and systemic treatment

(Chemotherapy, hormone treatments antidiana).

Numerous studies support their use, both in the conservative treatment

gold (after surgery that has survived breast), and after

mastectomy (removal of the breast), as does that reduce relapse

and thus increase survival.In the case of radiotherapy com-

While, it is usually radiation therapy is initiated once

treatment with chemotherapy.

In locally advanced tumors where surgery is done before Quim

oteràpia order to reduce tumor size sometimes attained-

tion with radiation therapy in order to increase the effect of the treatment.

Subsequently, it is surgery.

What types of radiation are there?

In breast cancer radiotherapy is used both external and the internal,

although the most common is external.Essentially, it is a treatment pro-

vidualitzat, each person will have their treatment.

External radiotherapy, which is generated by an external source to

patient. Today is through electron linear accelerator

emit a type of radiation preferable to that obtained through the pumps

cobalt used until recently because they have a greater penetration

and irradiation is distributed more evenly across the area in which

applied, moreover, is not as aggressive with the skin, thus reduc-

eixen side effects.

Administered in daily sessions over a few minutes time

which can range from one to five weeks.

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1. Information about breast cancer


Currently there are studies that show the effectiveness of radiotherapy manage-

therapy at the time of surgery when the tumor is removed, enabling

locate the best area to radiate and better protect healthy tissues is

must radiate. It also has the advantage that the treatment can be reduced to

a single dose.

The internal radiotherapy or brachytherapy is another type of treatment

implanted radioactive energy sources directly inside the tumor or

While in space occupied if this has already been removed. Their objective

tive is to provide a high dose of radiation in a small volume of tissue

respecting the neighboring organs.

Can be administered after external radiotherapy and, in ac-

Tea surgical excision of the tumor is left implanted in the

the conduit through which the load subsequently administered ra-


Side effects of radiotherapy

In general, treatment with radiotherapy for breast cancer is well

tolerated. In some cases there are minimal effects, but others are

more defendants to be given medical treatment for its control.

These effects are difficult to predict accurately because it depends on

multiple factors such as the extent of the radiation field, the dose, the fraction-

Onam and each person’s individual susceptibility. Know that these

effects are temporary and will recover within a few weeks finalizing

treatment. They are mainly:

• Effects of the skin is the most important adverse effects for the individual and

more frequent. It is located in the area where the treatment is administered

and is characterized by redness, itching, increased pigmentation, decentralized

tion … and a later a degree of fibrosis.

• Tiredness (fatigue) in the treatment of breast cancer is not a can-

ously very sharp and in any case less than that can occur du-

ing treatment with chemotherapy.

Hormone treatment: what?

His goal, like all other treatments is to reduce the relapse

increase survival.The mammary gland is an organ-hormonode

penent, ie, the growth of cells depends on their hormones

women. The hormone, is to prevent the growth cel-

phone.In breast cancer tumors are hormonodepenents (60-70%

cases) and others not.Hormone treatment is a crucial maneuver

cial in the case of tumors hormonodepenents.

It begins at the end of chemotherapy, but there are some cases that can

was the only treatment, ie, begins shortly after surgery because there

no chemotherapy.According to recent studies should be considered

also administered in some cases of carcinoma in situ.

The type of treatment depends on the hormonal status of the patient: is different

rent if the woman is menopausal or not, but recent studies looking

benefit in combining the two types of treatment.

Side effects of hormone therapy

Side effects vary with the type of treatment, the most common

is weight gain, sofocacions, joint pain, osteoporosis, as

as often happens in the process associated with menopause.

Other therapies: therapy directed

There are also other types of so-called biological therapies, which ac-

Tuen only on the cancer cell on one of the signal paths

with cells to grow and multiply. These types of therapies

produce fewer side effects and enable a better quality of life

the patients.

Treatment depends on the characteristics of the tumor cells.

On the surface of cells in 25% of cases found receiver

(HER2), which is associated with a worse prognosis.The Herceptin


is anantibody

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1. Information about breast cancer


antibody has antitumor activity in this receptor. Its main

Cardiac toxicity is wood.

Other biological treatments inhibitors of intracellular signaling pathways,

Lapatinib as


(Also effective in cases of HER2) and Bavacizumab



demonstrated benefit in advanced disease, but more studies are still

evaluate its benefit in initial illness.

In general, the treatment of a disease like that in the intervening

many professionals, many techniques, long processing time, and many

perceptions, psychological and emotional factor is vital to minimize

the most side effects appear throughout the process. It should

note that the medical team attending the patient can facilitate or gesture

cal support this but it is important that you ask the patient herself or

family to that channel properly.

A resource is easy and convenient to have an agenda on part of back-

registrations data visits and treatments, also spelled all

doubts and worries and everything that appears when we are not in the hospital.

And in visits and treatment sessions when phone in hand and before

appropriate person and make them these questions.

Other important aspects: emotional factors

Cancer is a disease caused by a higher degree of anxiety-

Shah, among other reasons because it is related to the death. This an-

Goshen can generate other types of organic disorders that hinder and De-

Liten energy and emotional well-being necessary to overcome the disease

and treatment process. Psychological intervention can break this

negative circle.

To recognize the feelings generated as a result of illness (fear, anxiety,

fear, anxiety, sadness, anger) and express them, helps build strength, psi

Psychological need to work on the recovery of health. In addition to

disease itself, a woman has to face a process of change that

affect their femininity: Chest loss, hair loss, loss of

menstruation, weight gain with hormonal …

The mental representation of femininity is identified with the chest as this

expresses sexuality, narcissistic and relational sociology of women.When

Mom has a disease, women today claim, rightly, the right to know,

understand and discuss the modalities and consequences of treatment

be affected to a greater or lesser degree identity.

From the psychological aspect, we would say that the relationship with the patient

Your body is unique and special, so too is the only way to get sick,

interpret and position themselves against the disease.Ultimately, each patient has

its peculiar form to get sick.This is precisely what makes talk

person of a disease and therefore a therapy person.

The evolution of the disease is a dynamic process and the feelings of the wife

also following an evolutionary process according to the disease.Thus, the fact

know the diagnosis for the patient is a very important energy cost

Therefore, due to the increase of their anguish and anxiety, which can lead to

mental disorganization that affects all areas of action.

The impact of the diagnosis can lead women to develop an attitude

deniers, such comments as, “That’s nothing,” or “has no im-

tance “with manifestations of euphoria that do not correspond to seriously

sity of diagnosis.This mechanism of denial may, in a first moment

mind, helping women to go away emotionally adapting to the news.

Other mechanisms that may appear in this stage may be the omni-

power: “I do not pass anything,” “I can however” or else, the impo-

tence: “this will end with me,” “I do not go out” and sometimes the position is

melancholy: “I always get the worst happens”, “why do you need the treatment

total mind if … “and depressive attitudes, such as neglecting the care

its appearance, not wanting to be social, apathy …A follow-psi

Psychological can help in this process step toward the acceptance of the disease.

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1. Information about breast cancer


At the time of discharge, should differentiate what is discharged from the


The generated high expectations, both in the patient and in the family environment,

liar and friendship, to incorporate into everyday life, work, social, etc., which

were for a time suspended.

It is at this stage when the woman some questions arise. For a

banda is no longer in the medical field, which contained and reassured by

On the other hand calls friends began to distance themselves, family life remakes

Everyday there is a “appearance” of getting back all right, but then when

The patient begins to confront the feeling of life and death itself.

We must help women to walk the path of illness and recovery. She

has become a body that has suffered a loss, and it should be noted that not installed

chronic emotional pain, insufficiently developed. If this pain is

Endless can manifest as apathy, depression, anxiety, and fear was

the background that prevents the development of a full life.

After an ill situation occurs attitude back to the world and this

is a process that takes time.

To help women suffering from breast cancer, still exists in Barcelona

xen some associations that support all levels, both those

sufferers and their families.These associations provide information

of all kinds, emotional support, lectures on various subjects, activities

and ultimately support and therapy and support.Some oferei-

xen recovery activities are physical therapy, yoga, sophrology

among others, Gami also specializes in the prevention and rehabilitation

of lymphedema. These associations are:



Spanish Association Against Cancer

Foundation to help cancer Catalan league Barcelona

Page 14

2. What is an early detection program for breast cancer

What does the screening?


What is a screening program?


What are the purposes of the program?


Who is the program (target population)?


Which screening test used?


There are other methods or tests?


Every few years to do the mammogram?


How do I do to participate in the program?


Criteria for the program


By inviting women without symptoms?


What should women do not have the age of the target population?


What to do if symptoms in the interval of 2 years?


Who is Responsible for the early detection of breast cancer in Barcelona?

………………………………………….. ……………..


Date of implementation of the program


Contacting the Program


Page 15


2. What is an early detection program for breast cancer

What does the screening?

Does not diagnose a disease before symptoms given. Of these,

ta way can improve the prognosis and / or outcome. In addition, diagnosed

expensive cancer in the early stages treatment can be administered less

leaving less aggressive and physical and psychological in women.

It also improves survival, as if the tumor is diagnosed before

invasive is the cure are higher than 98%.

What is a screening program?

Screening Program (or screening), is the realization of all

the set of things to do this early diagnosis is

ie find the disease before symptoms not give. Therefore, a program

form of screening for a disease proposes testing concrete

apparently healthy people without symptoms.

This course can only be done with certain diseases, as for

to be screened:

1. A disease that is sufficiently severe, significant and / or frequent.

2. This disease must have biological characteristics, which allow

sation to this early diagnosis.

3. Must have proof which enables the early detection and

both diagnosed before the disease gives symptoms.

4. Must deal with a disease that was diagnosed early, can be cured

in most cases.

Breast cancer meets all these conditions, it is a dis-

Aunt serious and in cancers, the most common in women. It has characterized

tics that allow the biological proper diagnosis and

There is a simple test and make it effective, which is the mammogram.Finally

mind, the treatment applied in early stages, can be cured in most

cases.Therefore then, that screening programs for breast cancer

are population, that is offered to all women with an age

that breast cancer is more common.

What are the purposes of the program?

The main objective from the point of view of public health, which is contributing to

reducing mortality from breast cancer among women in Barcelona.

To achieve this, we need the vast majority of women in the population

tion program aimed to benefit from the advantages of screening

early.Therefore, it is important to know the program, the benefits and risks

of screening and participate in a properly informed.

Studies show that breast cancer mortality is reduced

35% in women 50 to 69 years old participating in a program

Screening for breast cancer.

The fact that early detection of the disease also means that treatment

be less aggressive, less mutilating surgery, allowing preserve the breast,

and minor side effects.

To achieve these goals is essential to achieve the one hand,

high participation of people called the program and the other, a

quality of the diagnostic tests used.

Who is the program (target population)?

The population of breast cancer screening program are all

women living and / or registered in Barcelona from 50 to

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2. What is an early detection program for breast cancer


69 years. Program not covered by the women of this age group

have a special risk, such as family history or other.

It is this age group and not another, because studies conducted all over the world

and the experience of screening during the years 60 and 70 were

launched in Europe and North America, show that from

50 years is very important when it increases the risk of

breast cancer and therefore, when the screening is more effective.

Which screening test used?

The program uses mammography as a screening test because it has been

proved to be the most effective test for the detection of breast cancer.

It consists of an x-ray of the chest and is comfortable and easy to do. In the mo-

mind to realize it is a pressure on the chest but it is annoying

tolerable. This pressure is important in order to achieve a better qualitative

Diagnostic and mind to reduce the radiation dose. It’s pretty harmless, although

it is not entirely because playing small doses of radiation.

At present many are now digital mammography, which increases with

the accuracy of results in dense breasts, the radiation dose is lower and

much more organic, not having to disclose the mammogram and the radiologist can

read directly from the screen of a computer connected to mammography.

There are other methods or tests?

No other recommended methods for screening. The low sensitivity and speci-

autopalpació the deficit does not allow its use as a mass screening test.

The autopalpació be seen as a way, apart from the observation

Visible changes in the breast, so that the woman is alert during the pe-

ríode between mammography and mammography to detect any possible

anomaly, but never as a screening test.

About Breast ultrasound is a test using ultrasound-

allows determine the nature (liquid or solid) lesions previously identified

decades with mammography.It is a good tool to detect microcalcifi-

tions and considering that between 20 and 30% of breast cancer

manifested as microcalcifications, for then that ultrasound is not

a good screening test to do.

Every few years to do the mammogram?

The pre-screen mammographic offered every two years.Way it recommends different

institutions such as the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and

the European Guidelines for breast cancer screening.

This recommendation is more widespread and more cost-effective, although there

Some programs that perform mammograms even every 3 years.

In any case, no country for mammograms annually and are becoming the most

two years, since the reduction of mortality and does not vary substantially

decrease costs and possible side effects is significant.

It should be remembered however, that when a woman has certain types of

lesions in the opinion of the radiologist responsible for the program may be called

before age 2.This is what is known as the year advanced control.

How do I do to participate in the program?

With data from the municipal register of inhabitants of the city and through

central registry of insured together all the people who have

ever happened to the medical services of the city, the women identified

those between 50 and 69 years who live in the city.

From this information, they will receive a letter at home that were women-

ra day and time to take the mammogram.Depending on where they live will

summoned to take the mammography or the Hospital del Mar, the spe-

ça, the Clinic, St. Paul’s Vall d’Hebron.

In two weeks, they will receive a letter home with the results.If

necessary to do some other tests in addition to mammography in the

call you on the phone (the process is explained later).

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2. What is an early detection program for breast cancer


If a woman does not receive the letter summoning you can get in touch with

program by phone as below. These tele-

background, appearing on posters, leaflets and other information material distributed

empty in the town shops and pharmacies and of course in schools

primary care.

Criteria for the program

The program for the early detection of breast cancer follows the recommendations

nations established in the European guidelines for quality programs

Screening for breast cancer . Among the recommendations for improving the quality


• The use of digital mammography, as well as conducting systematic

two projections of the image and read by at least two pro-

tions different.

• The periodic review of radiological diagnostic equipment to ensure

smooth operation and reliability of the results.

• Participation in a multidisciplinary program of professional

sional healthcare experience and specific training activities


• Monitoring of current diagnostic and therapeutic protocols based on

scientific evidence and approved by health institutions.

• The periodic evaluation of the main indicators of process and outcome of pro-

program, such as participation, the number of tests carried-

ized, detection rates, the distribution of cancer cases and treatment

ments carried out. These indicators are compared with the standard

recommended by the scientific community, year after year can conclude

we are within the recommended values.

By inviting women without symptoms?

Because, as mentioned above, is to detect the disease

before symptoms appear. This means that women are apparently

are healthy, and therefore need to find from which all presented

ten anomalies to take mammogram. However, this does not mean that

have breast cancer because mammography is not sufficient to make

diagnosis, other tests needed to confirm whether the abnormality is really

cancer or not.

What should women do not have the age of the target population?

The performance of mammography in women outside the age range of programs

my answer is basically clinical criteria. Detection Program

Early Breast Cancer does not include women outside this age range,

because the effectiveness and predictive value of mammography is low,

In other words, the likelihood of erroneous results is higher.

What to do if symptoms in the interval of 2 years?

Note that mammography is not a vaccine and the fact that a

control results are correct does not mean that women do not have to

attention to any changes or to detect abnormalities in their breasts.

So if you notice something wrong you should not hesitate to consult your doctor

header or gynecologist as soon as possible.

Who is Responsible for the early detection of can-

cer breast Barcelona?

In Barcelona, the Barcelona Health is who is responsible

last and therefore address.

The Public Health Agency of Barcelona is responsible for the coordination

and organization, implementing the Plan of Communication and Information, Evaluation and

Management and Organization.

The major city hospitals are responsible for the management of Pro-

program in their respective areas of reference.Responsible for the quote

women make mammography and, if necessary, diagnostic tests and

case of cancer treatment.

Depending on the district in which the woman lives, the controls will be in a hospi-

pital or another, being established this release:

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2. What is an early detection program for breast cancer


• Hospital del Mar: Old City and St. Martin.

• Hospital of Hope: Grace and Sarria Sant Gervasi.

• Hospital Vall d’Hebron: Horta Nou Barris.

• Hospital: Left Eixample, Sants and Les Corts.

• Hospital Sta. Cross and St. Paul: Right Eixample and Sant Andreu Guinardó.

Moreover, the program works in conjunction with network

health centers (CAP), Program Assistance and Sexual Health

Reproductive (passive) and the Office of Community Pharmacy.

The City Council also participates with the complicity and collaboration-

tion of those responsible for city districts.

Date of implementation of the program

In Barcelona, the program began in November 1995, responding to

guidelines set by the Health Plan of the city Department of Health

the Government of Catalonia.

Contacting the Program

Technical Office

Public Health Agency of Barcelona

Pl. Lesseps, 1

08023 Barcelona

Tel.: 93 202 77 80 / Tel.: 93 202 77 81 / Tel.: 93 202 77 87

Hospital del Mar

Passeig Maritim de la Barceloneta, 25-29

08033 Barcelona

Tel.: 93 248 30 78

Hospital of Hope

Avenue Sanctuary of Mount St. Joseph, 12

08024 Barcelona

Tel.: 93 367 43 14

Vall d’Hebron

Passeig Vall d’Hebron 119-129

08035 Barcelona

Tel.: 93 280 02 04

Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau

San Quentin, 89 F Block level -1

08025 Barcelona

Tel.: 93 556 55 01 / Tel.: 93 556 55 02


Valencia, 184

08011 Barcelona

Tel.: 93 227 93 02

Health Responds

Tel.: 902 111 444

Page 19

3. What women can not be included in a screening program?

Women with a family history of breast and ovarian


What criteria define a high-risk of breast and / or ovarian cancer hereditary?

………………………………………….. ……………………..


What criteria define a moderate risk person?


When should a person derived from one primary care services to a query

risk assessment of breast and / or ovarian cancer?


Women with a history of breast pathology


Special situations that do not exclude the screening program


What drives risk assessment and genetic counseling are in Barcelona?


Page 20


3. What women can not be included in a screening program?

Women with a family history of breast and ovarian

As mentioned above, a family history of cancer ma-

ma and / or ovarian cancer is a major risk factor to be studied, it may be

occur as a result of environmental and / or genetic. This means

that in cases of family history is important to study genetic

determine if the person is:

• Women at high risk: excluded from the program and will continue to be some controls-

pecífics indicated by the professional.

• Women with moderate risk of less than 50 years will follow anu-

the age of 50 and joined the program with the same criteria

the rest of the general population.

• Women at low risk: follow the same rules as the general population.

To determine the risk that a person may have a family history

cancer would ideally be a complete family history including

documented information on all cases of cancer

ovarian and breast cancer that has been in the family for the last 3


It is considered first-degree father or mother, brothers and sons. Of

second degree, grandparents, uncles and nephews, cousins and third grade.

What criteria define a high-risk breast cancer

and / or ovarian cancer hereditary?

For men, taking into account the relative degree, and states:

Three or more first-degree relatives affected by breast and / or ovarian cancer.

Two cases among first-and second-degree:

Two cases of ovarian cancer.

A case of breast cancer and one ovarian cancer.

A case of breast cancer in men and one breast / ovarian cancer.

Two cases of breast cancer under 50 years of age.

A case of bilateral breast cancer and breast cancer in a woman

less than 50 years.

Regardless of the relative degree:

Breast and ovarian cancer in one patient.

Bilateral breast cancer diagnosed before age 40.

The high-risk women have a cumulative risk over the life of develop-

ing breast cancer more than 24%.

In these cases, monitoring and control options are diverse and range from

screening and follow-up intervals of between one month to one year, or

Where can recommend a prophylactic mastectomy.In any case,

options should be discussed with the affected person, informing the

the benefits and limitations of each of the strategies, ensuring that

the final decision to take one’s interested.

What criteria define a moderate risk person?

First-degree relatives of people affected by breast cancer fami-

lies with:

• A breast cancer in a person aged between 31 and 50.

• Two first-degree relatives with breast cancer between ages 51 and

59 years.

• A bilateral breast cancer in a person 40 years or older.

They are women who have a cumulative risk to develop life-long

breast cancer that ranges between 15-24%.We recommend adding self-

examination and clinical breast examination, annual mammography between 35 and 50

years, from 50, to join the program of mass screening.

When should a person derived from a primary care service

a query evaluation risk of breast and / or ovarian cancer?

Page 21

3. What women can not be included in a screening program?


The primary professional advise or lead a person

consult a genetic counseling unit to assess the risk of change

cer breast in the following cases:

• When a person reported having had two or more cancer cases ma-

ma and / or ovarian cancer in the same family line, either the maternal or paternal.

• A family member (both first and second degree) with cancer

breast cancer in young age, ie, before age 50.

• A family member who has had breast cancer and ovarian cancer.

• A case of breast cancer in a man.

• A case of bilateral breast cancer in a young person, that is, less

50 years.

In genetic counseling unit, you will be a family history of cases

breast and ovarian cancer and a risk assessment will define the person

one of these three cases: high risk, moderate or low. Once these-

thy valuation, determine the professional rules to follow.

Women with a history of breast pathology

Excluding program for women with atypical ductal hyperplasia and carcinoembryonic

lobulillar my spot, which require specific monitoring indicated

by the relevant professional.

Special situations that do not exclude the screening program

• Women who have undergone radiation therapy to the chest.

Those women who have been treated with radiation therapy to the chest area

a lymphoma timoma or other diseases have an increased risk

of developing breast cancer. This risk seems particularly

important when the dose received was high and was administered between 10 and

16 years, despite persisting throughout life.

Moreover, the levels of radiation from diagnostic tests

not represent an increased risk large enough to exclude

these women the overall program of screening.

• In the case of transsexuals undergoing estrogen therapy, pain-

welcome there epidemiological evidence of increased cancer risk

breast, some cases have been reported in the medical literature, which

it is expected a higher incidence of breast cancer

this group will increase as you age.Therefore, it is considered

that can benefit from the screening program.However, the offer

the inclusion of female to male transsexuals who have not been mastectomitzats.

• For women with hormone replacement therapy during

menopause, the program does not exclude because no evidence

science that shows that change every two years in the making

bring benefits of mammography for women.It is open to the gynecologist

decide in each case the monitoring to be done to women.

• Women with breast implants, do not present a greater risk of cancer, but

yes more technically difficult to perform correctly mammography,

therefore requires an appropriate experience by the technical specialists

t in radiology (TER).In terms of program, then follow the criteria

biannual mammograms.

What genetic counseling units or risk assessment is to


Genetic Counselling Unit

Medical Oncology

Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau

San Quentin, 89-08041 Barcelona

Tel.: 93 556 56 38

Fax: 93 556 57 69

High Risk Unit and Cancer Prevention

Medical Oncology

Hospital Vall d’Hebron, 119-129

Page 22

3. What women can not be included in a screening program?


Building Maternal and Child

Passeig Vall d’Hebron 119-129 – 08035 Barcelona

Tel.: 93 274 60 85

Fax: 93 274 60 59

Genetic Counselling Unit

Hospital del Mar

Passeig Maritim de la Barceloneta, 25-29 – 08003 Barcelona

Tel.: 248 35 95

Fax: 93 248 33 66

Unit genetic counseling in hereditary cancer

Institute of Oncology Corachán-IDOC Medical Center

C. Gironella 6-8, Level 1 – 08012 Barcelona

Tel.: 93 280 08 55

Fax: 93 280 54 00

Institut Universitari Dexeus

Genetic counseling unit in Hereditary Cancer

C. Sabino de Arana, 5-19 – 08028 Barcelona

Tel.: 93 227 47 00

Page 23

4. Mammography: what you need to know

What is a mammogram?


What is the purpose of a mammogram?


What is the personnel involved in performing the test?


How is the test?


How long is the test?


What type of reading is done?


It’s free test?


What are the results from the test?


What is the waiting time for results and how they receive?


How and when to make the next appointment?


What is the reliability of mammography?


What is the sensitivity of mammography?


What is the specificity of mammography?


What are the predictive values of mammography?


What are the quality controls carried out in and mammography technicians?


There are risks associated with radiation?


Page 24


4. Mammography: what you need to know

What is a mammogram?

This is a test image, like a picture, specific to breast tissue.

What is the purpose of a mammogram?

Is the test appropriate to carry out the screening and early detection of cancer

breast. Consequently, its purpose is to detect lesions regardless if-

gui development phase in which they are at the level of the breast tissue.

Thus, the main utility of this test is to detect images sustainable

Pitocin injuries that can correspond to very small sizes, and not

could have been detected by clinical examination. This allows the

diagnosis in early stages, allowing less aggressive treatment

an improved prognosis.

What is the personnel involved in performing the test?

The test is performed by technicians with specific training in radiology to


Reading makes radiologists with experience in inter-

tion of mammography screening following the recommendations of the Guidelines

European screening for breast cancer.

How is the test?

First scans without clothes from the waist up while

the right woman with arms raised. In this exploration, we review the existing

tence of symptoms or lesions visible at breast.

Once the scan is necessary to correctly placed in the chest

in order to obtain mammography screenings without proper

repeat the test. Therefore, the technical help women to put corrective

ment for breast mammography tray. Below is compressed

contralateral breast plate.Are two projections of each breast: one

top to bottom (Crane-flow) and side (mediolateral oblique).

A good compression of the breast tissue is important to obtain

highest quality images for diagnosis and to reduce the radiation dose administered

entry.It is also important to incorporate the maximum possible chest.These facts

can cause discomfort or even pain in some women.

How long is the test?

The length is variable, but the process usually takes between 5 and

10 minutes.

What type of reading is done?

Each mammogram is read by two radiologists separately and in case of discrepancies,

ence in the results, along with a third radiologist reach a consensus.

It’s free test?

Mammography screening is free in the context of program detected

ment of early breast cancer, and all studies and tests it

might arise, which are funded through taxes and service provided by

National Health Service.

What are the results from the test?

To define the results is mainly used BIRADS classification

the American College of Radiology

BIRADS 0: Mammography which must be supplemented with other pro-

go, either because there is a questionable image (do not know if it’s

or tissue injury) or better to qualify a lesion detected as

if, for example, is a lesion with liquid means it is a cyst


Page 25

4. Mammography: what you need to know


BIRADS 1: Mamas images without abnormal: normal breast, thus

calls women to control 2 years.

BIRADS 2: Mamas clearly benign lesions that do not require being

studied, so the woman will also be summoned to control 2 years.

BIRADS 3: Mamas with probably benign lesions, and although in mol

Sometimes teas do not require additional studies that women can be

advanced control called a year.

BIRADS 4: Mamas with injuries that are from a low to a moderate

suspicion of malignancy. Additional tests are required, mainly dis-

SIVES. Between 15 and 30% of cases will be a malignant lesion or tumor. In

the other, depending on the results of these additional studies

So you may be convened each year as regular checks to pass

2 years.

BIRADS 5: Mamas with lesions suspicious for malignancy. It requires pro-

go further, particularly invasive. Between 70 and 90% of cases

resulted in a diagnosis of cancer. In the other, both may be convened

the woman who as a year to two years.

What is the waiting time for results and how they receive?

The waiting time depends on the results: those mammograms

normal or benign probably have not required additional studies,

tions, the results are sent by post, on average, reach a

period of 15 days. Sent a report but not mammography, however, if

Women want mammograms, it may request.

Those patients with any abnormal mammograms that requerei-

xen tests will be mentioned about a week later,

telephone for making them. When you call the woman as

up appointment after 2-3 days at most. We try not to call, for example,

on Friday so that the woman not too distressed. If the

results of additional studies, both invasive and non-invasive, are

normal women receive the results by mail.

How and when to make the next appointment?

The report is sent to the registered mammographic, indicated when it will

Her call for the next mammogram. In all the letters as

There is a telephone number to answer questions in relation to outcome.

In most cases, women are called back for 2 years, but

certain occasions should repeat the test with less than two

years are called “advanced controls”, to be held from

in the previous mammogram.

What is the reliability of mammography?

The reliability of a test refers to the extent to which the test does not commit

errors and therefore, we can “trust” the results.Reliability, measured by

Two different types of indicators, namely: sensitivity and specificity.This

means, since the absence of errors is almost impossible, at least it

may know to what extent the results of the test are true and to what extent

we may be wrong, ie, to quantify the error.

What is the sensitivity of mammography?

Sensitivity is the proportion of all cancer patients test

mammography detected as suspicious.Its value depends on the age, ie

size also increased with increasing age sensitivity.In women with

50 years or more sensitivity values ranging between 68% and 90% (being

most values about 85%).In women under the age between 40

and 49, the figures fall to the sensitivity of 62-76%.This difference

has much to do with the breast tissue and the changes that occur

age, especially linked to hormonal changes that occur in the body

women around the menopause, ie about 50 years.

What is the specificity of mammography?

The specificity, is arguably the complementary sensitivity, ie

Page 26

4. Mammography: what you need to know


the proportion of all women without breast cancer test

actually classified as such. Its value is estimated between 82% and 97% in

women 50 to 69 years.

What are the predictive values of mammography?

The positive predictive value of a test is related to the presence of

disease in the population. How much is this disease among people

of a given population are more likely to find people ma-

sickness when doing a screening and it also indicates that people

of that population are more likely to develop the disease

study. It is therefore, the proportion of all women in the mamogra-

present results lend suspects and are called to take other tests,

finally diagnosed with breast cancer. In women who are

mentioned for the first time in the program, predictive values are between

6 and 8%. This means that in only 6-8% of women called to

Additional studies done after doing the mammogram, they eventually di-

Agnostic cancer. In proportion as the years go by and therefore women

have been invited more than once to get the mammogram, the

value increases, ranging between 12 and 14%.

All these values are very important in making the decision of what

The group is suitable for carrying out the screening. As you can see, the fact-

shown that after 50 years the disease is present, add then

the reliability of the test is also higher, while women

young, the same test is more likely to fail. That is why the pro-

screening programs start at age 50, only rarely

from 45 and never before this age.

What are the quality controls carried out in Mammography

and technicians?

We recommend specific quarterly checks mammograms

plan for Radiological Protection Service. In addition, technicians must

to conduct daily tests to ensure the proper functioning of

the processor (if using analog mammography) and periodically and

with the review of a radiologist, the evaluation of image quality

mammographic obtained through a dummy.

As for the training of technicians working in the program

approximately every two years is recommended that the program units

undertake a refresher course, for each radiology technician incor-

Porat Screening Program.

Each year, the program drives evaluate the results and com-

stop with the quality standards set by the European crisis-guide

bone breast cancer, allowing a check that banda

Things are going well and the other where necessary, to improve detection of situations.

There are risks associated with radiation?

Radiation always involve risk, although the radiation emitted in

mammograms are minimal.The number of radiation-induced cancers

is very little, if anything, happens in people who for reasons of

disease or for work reasons, many have undergone radiation and ori-

January very diverse.You can hardly induce breast cancer just because

to become regular checks.Otherwise, is closely related to the age at

it starts to mammograms and how often you will make. So

Also, the risk of breast cancer radioinduït decreases with age and so-

Particularly after menopause.

Page 27

5. What tests are diagnostic confirmation

When testing is necessary to confirm diagnosis?


What proportion of women participating in the screening need?


What are the diagnostic tests for confirmation?


Cited as the women who need further studies?


How long does it take to have the results of additional studies?


There is some information and advice for women who would do more research?

………………………………………….. …


Page 28


5. What tests are diagnostic confirmation

When testing is necessary to confirm diagnosis?

Mamogràfiques certain images may induce doubts and diagnoses

therefore require the completion of other tests to guide the result.

Categories radiographic BIRADS 0, 4 and 5 require such testing.

What proportion of women participating in the screening


Depending on the units mamogràfiques between 5 and 10% of women

which has been in the mammogram will cite some evidence for com-


What are the diagnostic tests for confirmation?

Diagnostic confirmation tests are divided into two groups.

1. Noninvasive tests: These tests are not agredei-

xen body of the woman. Typically tests that extend the study of

mammogram from another perspective in order to see more clearly es-

structure of the image.

These tests are: repeating, extension or new screening mammography-

tions, ultrasound and MRI.

2. Invasive tests: As its name suggests,

testing is more aggressive because it is a sample of

breast tissue to analyze it and not just have an image in

the case of the above.

These tests are invasive: a puncture or biopsy. The puncture can be made

with different gauge needles, so talking puncture aspiration

fine needle, hollow and thick or surgical biopsy. As for surgical biopsy

cal, is to extract a greater amount of breast tissue, sometimes even

entire lesion is removed, which means that it requires surgery.

The use of one or other evidence depends, among other factors, the type of injury and

the degree of suspicion of malignancy of the lesion evaluated, as well as characteristic

tics own equipment or radiological history of mammography

patient.In general, the city of Barcelona, again to cite to become pro-

go further to 5 of every 100 women participating in the program and end-

mind of every 100 women reconvocades for additional studies just

diagnosed with breast cancer in 7 women.

Below is a brief description of the tests indicated.

Non-invasive tests

Repeat mammography

For various reasons (such as the appearance of artifacts in the images or that

not observed properly margins mammograms) can be

necessary to repeat the test.Normally, it is at the same time

in which the wife has gone to mammography, previous qualitative

technicians.Sometimes though, again quoting the woman to repeat

same initial projections.

Expansion of mammography

Extended or focused mammograms are used at the request of

radiologists when diagnosing certain images can doubt

minimized through the expansion of the region under study.

Mammography with other screening

Other possible projections that involve the placement of the breast and

different positions of the device may be required in the usual case

Page 29

5. What tests are diagnostic confirmation


doubtful that any image diagnosis could not be observed

projections used correctly.


The test most commonly used is complementary ultrasound: it

a test without radiation, which allows using ultrasound identified

expensive nature of the possible nodes, ie, whether they are liquid and therefore

benign, or if they are solid and therefore could be studied with other

tests, such as, invasive. In addition, ultrasound can detect the exis-

existence of underlying breast tissue injuries in questionable mammogram.

However, ultrasound is a useful tool to detect and study-MICROCAL

cificacions and therefore not only serves as a screening technique. Know that

20-30% of breast cancers can be said from the point of view

Radiological as microcalcifications and therefore not seen with ultrasound.

It is possible that certain patients with dense tissue fibro-

glandular breasts to use this technique to evaluate the breast, but not

there are questionable lesions in mammography.

Magnetic Resonance (NMR)

The MR is a little test used in screening for breast cancer.

Involves making cuts using a field sequential image

without radiating magnetic doses. Its use is more common in

confirmation of malignant disease of multiplex or tracking contralateral

the other breast in patients with large volume of breast tissue and diagnosis

cancer known.


Fine needle aspiration (FNA-cytology)

It’s a puncture using a fine needle, similar to that used in

the blood test, which requires no anesthesia. Its main utility

is the study of axillary nodes. With evidence of puncture attempts

For cellular tissue which can be subsequently analyzed by Service-gone

Pathological economy.

Thick needle (or Corebiòpsia BAG)

It is a thicker puncture using a needle, using previously

Short-acting local anesthetic. Its main use is in the study

of breast lesions. To perform this test to avoid compliance

tions of bleeding, you should avoid factors such as administrative descoagulants

tion of antiplatelets such as aspirin or Sintrom before and after the test.

Thick needle vacuum-assisted

It’s a puncture using a needle still thicker and assisted

vacuum by applying pre-acting local anesthetic.The amount

tissue obtained is higher than can be obtained with other punctual

tions.Its main use is in the study of breast lesions, principally

ern accompanied by microcalcifications. To make this

test to avoid bleeding complications, you should avoid factors

descoagulants Sintrom or the administration of aspirin before and after

the test.

Surgical biopsy

This extract more amount of breast tissue that can be extracted,

re with other types of biopsies.Sometimes, removed all the injury

So that means it requires surgery and almost

time, as is used to remove the entire lesion.Thus, this intervention

tion in most cases it is healing.

Cited as the women who need further studies?

Hospitals program, use various methods to quote women

can specify tests. In any case, initially

attempting to call any woman to inform her of the

need for implementation of this new evidence.In case of impossibility

phone first attempt by the woman quoted postage

This subpoena or through other means.The person responsible for this

Page 30

5. What tests are diagnostic confirmation


citation is usually one of the administrative program, which dis-

born result of mammography.

How long does it take to have the results of studies


Usually not spend more than 30 days to obtain the information,

da from the tests is returned to the patient.

Hospitals program, using different methods for the return of

information on the results of tests for women. In

Generally, if the tests have ruled out the suspicion, the woman will receive in the home

test results, informing them of when will the next-mamo

graphy within the program.

In the case of invasive, you do within the circuit of each hospi-

capital and, therefore, the delivery of results, follow the procedure in

this case even though the citation is made mostly from the program.

In all hospitals, when you have the results of invasive tests are

calls for women to talk to a professional who explains the results

and guidelines to follow in both cases the result is the absence of disease

as if a tumor has been detected. In the absence of disorder in some

hospital appointment is not personal and it is called part of sending the report re-

date website by the radiologist responsible for the testing and the woman is still integrated into the

program being called at 2 years or, as mentioned above,

the year if the professional necessary. For diagnostic

cancer, women are integrated in the caring of the hospital.

There is some information and advice for women in

Who would do more research?

Each hospital is part of the Cancer Screening Program Ma-

ma Barcelona provides the users of a mobile

contact program where a health professional resolve their dub-

teas. In addition you can also consult your doctor or gynecologist for

for more information.

Page 31

6. Benefits and problems associated with population screening

What are the benefits of participating in a population screening program?

………………………………………….. ………………………………….


What risks may involve participation in a population screening program?


As benefits the community we live a population screening program?

………………………………………….. …………………………..


Page 32


6. Benefits and problems associated with population screening

In developed countries, early detection of breast cancer is a practical

Common policy. Thus, women between 50 and 69 years are offered a ma-

mografia every two years to detect early cancer

breast and to contribute to the reduction of deaths. But

screening, like everything else, has not only benefits but also some risks.

From a population perspective, the early detection of breast cancer

has more benefits than risks, but at the individual level can not talk or a

positive effect (derived from early detection of the disease) or negative (the

Possible side effects of screening are explained below). In

However, the decision to participate in screening should be personal, taking into

consider its pros and cons.

The success of screening programs depends, among other things, what

is a high participation and therefore need to call for a major effort

Cato. However, the information provided to women invited-

December shall be allowed to decide whether or not to participate in the most adequate

da possible, having truthful, complete and understandable.

What are the benefits of participating in a program population

tional screening?

The benefits will occur especially in people in it pos-

sible to detect the disease at the stage that has yet symptoms.

1. Cancer screening and early commencement of treatment, which makes

increase the chances of healing.

2. Most tumors are diagnosed small size, which allows applying a

less aggressive treatment with fewer side effects. Most

cancers detected in the program can be treated with surgery con-

conservative breast (tumerectomia), avoiding mastectomy (removal

around the chest), which reduces the risk of physical disability and have

a better quality of life.

What risks may involve participating in a program population


1. Overdiagnosis: some cancer precursor lesions and some

in the very early stage cancerous tumors that are detected in the pre-screen-

manage, grow very slowly or not they tend to develop at all.They are

injuries that may never have caused problems that would not have

known of its existence unless the program for the detection of cri-

bone.Unfortunately, you can not know which cancers progress and

and what not, so we must treat them all.

2. Sobretractament: The result of overdiagnosis. All le-

sions are treated and therefore, there are women that have been detected by

Screening is treated an injury that might not have ever said,

with the consequences of receiving some unnecessary treatment

ments that involve a number of risks that are not insignificant.

3. Diagnostic errors: false positives and false negatives: the false positive

occur when the results of a test, in this case the mammography

suggest the presence of disease without actually exists.This forces

to perform additional diagnostic tests that never seri-

in need. False positives can not be avoided but can be

reduced by improving the reading of mammograms by radiologists and

performing double screening.The opposite (false negatives)

more frequent and can occur when the mammogram shows no

sign or suspicion of disease, although women do suffer.

4. False sense of security: early detection is only useful for detecting

cancers that have already appeared, but not prevent them.There is a risk

Page 33

6. Benefits and problems associated with population screening


after the completion of a mammogram with a normal result, women

mistakenly believe that there is no need to worry more about the making of the

next mammogram within 2 years. Remember that having to rea-

lized recently resulting in normal mammogram should not be

impediment, if a woman detects an alteration in breast con-

Sultan your doctor or gynecologist. In fact, it may in some cases

between mammography program made by the following text and develop a

cancer. This called interval cancers and cancers can not be prevented.

5. Anxiety: it is inevitable that women experience some degree of anxiety

So while waiting for a result as is required when ex-

Additional ploracions to reach definitive result. It is important to

minimize the distress arising from waiting for test results and

This should be reduced to a minimum the time between the completion of the test and

results. Each hospital that performs the program incorporates the mechanisms

mechanisms necessary because, among performing the mammogram and the result

ity, is the minimum time that one of the objectives of quality

established by this program (less than two weeks).

Also remember that a woman in a percentage close to 90% of

participants, the test result is normal and therefore only a small

group of women have suspected breast cancer test results


6. Radiation effects: any radiography and, therefore, any ma-

mografia involves radiation. Mammography only required doses

low and also in screening programs is still a proto-

cabbage mammography quality control that makes this potential risk

cial even smaller. Moreover, the risk of cancer radioinduït

decreases with age and is particularly low after menopause.

7. Nuisance test: approximately half of the women con-

fied that the mammography procedure is cumbersome and / or painful. For

achieve a high quality image compression is necessary ma-

ma which can cause discomfort and / or pain.The degree of pain and / or discomfort

associated with anxiety at the time of the menstrual cycle.

As benefits the community we live program population

tional screening?

1. Improved survival and reduced mortality in Dar-

recent years the survival of breast cancer has been increasing.These-

ta improvement is due in part to advances in treatment and the effect

of early detection with mammography, especially in programs

screening population.In addition, several studies have shown that

screening can reduce mortality from breast cancer in a while

ratio lower than initially thought.

2. Reducing inequalities: the cancer screening program

Breast call to all women 50 to 69 years and offer the ma-

disks of the same quality services and helps to reduce inequality

ties for the social or cultural controls mammography and therefore, what

also reduce these inequalities in mortality and morbidity.The

data on the Barcelona show that the program cri-

bone population had a positive role in this regard.

3. Increase the perception of women need to take care:

the fact that there is a population screening program can-

cer breast is heightening social awareness about the disease and

the importance of early detection.

4. Detection of population at risk for breast cancer presented

ing family history: women attending the program were

is a simple questionnaire about personal and family history of cancer.

This allows detection of familial risk cases are referred to the uni-

ties appropriate genetic counseling.

5. Initially, lower cost treatment, especially surgical. A

Also, apply less aggressive treatments, women have better quality

Page 34

6. Benefits and problems associated with population screening


life and fewer side effects during the treatment period, involve a

This saint is also a benefit for women as costs in general.

Given these facts, the best thing to do is to properly inform

women so they know what the risks and benefits of participating in a

population screening program, and try to quantify po-

der take steps to minimize them.

The most important thing is that women have access to clear and rigorous-

where you can find pink and reduce fear and anxiety both anticipated result

ties as cancer. Both the program and the hospital staff have

qualified women to be informed of everything you want and need to know,

both tests to confirm how improved treatments

that has occurred in recent times. You can also consult your doctor or

nurse of the health center for more information and emotional support.


General Coordination

To quote the report job

Communications Working Group

Detection Program

Early Cancer

Breast Barcelona

Puigpinós Rosa Riera (ASPB)

Working Group on Communication for Early Detection Program

Breast Cancer in Barcelona.

Breast cancer and its early detection: what you need to know.

Barcelona Public Health Agency of Barcelona, 2011.

Public Health Agency of Barcelona (ASPB)

Puigpinós Rosa Riera, Gemma Serral, Rocio Barbero,

Helena Martorell, Manuel Piñeiro, Pilar Ramos, Santi Gomez

Ten Elia, Mariona Pons-beams

Mar Health Park:

Francesc Macia, Immaculate Collet Burón Andrea, Maria Dolores Sabadell

Vall d’Hebron:

Xavi Martinez Miranda Nacho

Hospital Clinic of Barcelona:

Montse Selva, Xavier Bargalló, Farru White, James Guell

Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau:

Maria Teresa Puig, Maria Jesus Quintana

Programme for Sexual and Reproductive Health (PASSIR)

Anna Zaragoza, Aldo giugno

Institute for Health Studies (IES)

Andres Segura

Analysis Center and Health Programs (CAPS):

Graciela locks

Primary Health Care (PHC)

Manuel Fernando

Agate Group:

Montse Domenech

Barcelona Health Board (CSB)

Mariano Jiménez

College of Pharmacists of Barcelona (COFB)

Cristina Rodriguez




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