Sitges Fiesta Santa Tecla – Fiesta Mayor – Festa Major – Fiesta Major 2016

Sitges Santa Tecla Past : Future Fireworks, dragons, giants, human towers, dancers, processions, live concerts, competitions, kids events and a big fireworks display. Sitges Santa Tecla is a festival celebrating the Patron Saint of the Parish Church. Second only to Fiesta Mayor festival Range of images in our gallery above, from past events SITGES SANTA TECLA 2016 FRIDAY 16th SEPTEMBER 20:00h. Opening of the Exhibition of the Instagram photo contest “IV Concurso de Instagram de Fiesta Mayor”. 22:00h,CONCERT at foot of Sitges Church: la Fragata, CONCERT K-LIU, Gats and Ska Brass. 22:00h, “NIT DE LES PUBILLES i ELS HEREUS 2016”.Ball (dinner) SATURDAY 17th SEPTEMBER 10:00h.  5km Race from Baluard, “II CURSA POPULAR – CORRE PER SANTA TECLA”. Registrations Outrun Running Store (calle Jesús 58) and Boira Esports (calle la Bassa- Rodona 26). 12:30h, at La Vall, in front of Bar La Guineu, Family concert, for kids 18:00h, Location: Espai Cultural Pere Stämfli, Opening of the photo exhibition of “XVIII Concurs de Fotografia de Festa Major” (photo contest of Festa Major) until 2 October. 20:00h, “Timbalada parade” (Drummers) route: Plaça del Pou Vedre, Parellades, Cap de la Vila, Major, Plaça de l’Ajuntament. 20:30h Night of Fire (LA NIT DE FOC) Route: Baluard, Fonollar, Sant … Continue reading Sitges Fiesta Santa Tecla – Fiesta Mayor – Festa Major – Fiesta Major 2016